Hello.I had an ablation done 11 day days ago to try and right my atrial fibrillation. I was told that afterwards i would have some chest pains for a few days after but it is now 11 days and i still have chest pains, feel really tired and by mid afternoon i start to feel like i have a chest infection without a bad cough. I feel like i have fluid on my chest. I went to my doctor this morning and she listened to my chest but couldn't hear anything but unfortunately it wasn't to bad then but now (again) mid afternoon i am starting to feel unwell and have a tight chest and feel like i have phlegm or something on my chest. Has anyone else experienced this? I would be greatful for any advice.
AF ablation: Hello.I had an ablation... - British Heart Fou...
AF ablation

I had my ablation (for svt) five weeks ago and I still have chest pain. I was called in by the hospital three weeks after my op for an emergency echo, ecg and bloods as apparently I had a small rim of fluid around my heart the day after my op (I knew nothing about this until they called me) Everything was still the same. The fluid hadn’t increased, ecg was good and bloods ok. So was sent home and just told to rest. If you’re concerned then I would speak to the hospital and see if they can reassure you, but it is very normal to get chest pains and feel totally exhausted. It’s still very early days
Thank you for your reply as you say it is early days. I think i read to much into the leaflet the hospital gave me saying you could go back to work a week after procedure (luckily i haven't had to) so i thought you must be feeling a lot better after a week than i do now.
I’ve had four weeks off and I’ve gone back on reduced hours. There is absolutely no way I could of gone back after one week!!!i couldn’t walk for more than 10 minutes lol. The leaflets make out it’s so easy but reality is very different
I had a 4 hour ablation procedure for fibrillation and flutter two years ago. My heart felt like it had been battered afterwards. Had pain for about a week. Consultant advised me to take Paracetamol, which was effective. Took me about 6 months to get fully fit again. You get all sorts of pains and twinges after. I had palpitations and felt breathless at times for a few months. Thinks it's just your body recovering and getting back to normal.
My Consultant said that once someone has had arrhythmia they are very aware of their heart. I think this is true. I have become more relaxed now. Still have the odd palpitation but can live with them.
Hope you feel better soon.
I had the same op just over 3 weeks ago. I had the same symptoms as you describe. However, my symptoms have more or less cleared, except for the odd flutter-type feeling. The first 10 days I definitely felt tired and under the weather. But, like you, i had periods where I felt ok. Then I would be hit with the pain and tiredness, and I'd have to take it easy again.
I wouldn't necessarily panic over it just yet. Keep an eye on it. I'm sure we are given a check up at some stage, so any issues they should discuss it with you then.
You did the right thing in contacting the Dr, and wouldn't hesitate to do so again if your symptoms persist.
Main thing though is, Rest and Relaxation. Did me a world of good.
I had chest pain for quite a while after my ablation. I reminded myself what Debbe McCall at Stop A-Fib told me: they did surgery on my heart, and it will take time to heal. The pain is most probably our heart advising you to take it easier. I also had a single episode of a-fib about a week or 10 days after, but nothing since and it's been over three years, touch wood.
Thank you. I think I was expecting to get over it a lot quicker and at the end of the day like you say we did have surgery on our heart. Glad to hear you have been so long without an episode.