Hi, my Colin has just had a letter to go for this blood test and not to eat meat for 24 hours before. Just wondered if any of you who I feel are friends now have any idea what this is for.
He has had one stent and had to wait 3 months to take his kidney out which had cancer, this is out and gone now. We are now eight weeks on and he has just had his Myoview scan. He has put the stone back on that he lost after surgery eight weeks ago. Think this is due to the mountains of chocolate bars he is eating lol.
Just feel a bit low because you start feeling things are getting better and something else happens to drag you back down. I keep saying to myself “it’s just a blood test” I obviously don’t want to show I am worried.
I think I am low because I also have just been told by my son he is going in to have an operation. He broke his fibia and tibia fourteen years ago and has had twelve operations on his ankle. He has had bolts put in, has had it fused 3 times and finally been given a plastic ankle last year. Apparently he is young to have this done , he is 42 . The problem is he is still in so much pain they are now going to fit something on the outer side of his spine, then thread wires to his brain to see if the brain can tell the foot not to hurt.......hope I have explained this properly! He has to trial this for three weeks and if it works they will do the operation to place this device on the inside on his spine.
I am so so worried for him but this is a last resort, it hurts me so much to have seen him limping badly in pain for all these years. Want it so much to work. Has anyone heard of anyone that has had this done?
Regards Ursula x