After my HA and 2 stents last July. I signed up to be part of a study into the effects of drinking beetroot juice on new stents. The plan was for blood tests and an examination prior to commencement of 6 months of beetroot juice. I did not have these tests.
My beetroot juice arrived and I drank it everyday for 6 months. This was meant to be followed by more tests and another angiogram to check on effects of the juice if any.
Well I finished the juice in early February and have had none of the follow up tests till last week when I returned to Barts hospital for a blood test. Next Friday I have the angiogram.
Part of me thinks have the angiogram. Check everything is ok and if not get it fixed, but the othe part of me thinks. This is a procedure with risks I do not need. The test protocols have not been adhered to and am I taking an unnecessary risk.
What would you do.
Your thoughts please.