The GP has told me that if I have the recommended bypass surgery it should mean the end to my medication
Currently I am on beta-blockers, statins, nitrates, bloodthinners (Apixaban) and anti-coagulants (Clopidogrel)
This followed what must have been a mild heart attack last July and a visit to A&E The medical report said that there was a release of Troponin which I understand is the sign of a heart attack
Since then I have had a Myocardial Perfusion Scan and an Angiogram and various tests including blood, xray, echo and electro cardiograms and a tilt test (and I have also been weighed and had my temperature taken!)
So far I have visited 3 hospitals-Kingston, the Royal Brompton and St George's and my file is to be reviewed by St Thomas'
My underlying condition is an irregular heartbeat and just the one episode of chest pain leading to the visit to A&E-previously I had no medication
I have had vascular "stripping and tying" surgery in the past and was told that I have weak valves in the groin leading to oedema in the ankles
Cardioversion has been mentioned but not followed through Stents have not been mentioned
The angiogram revealed blocked arteries "serial severe proximal stenosis" and a recommendation of bypass surgery
I have not yet seen the image from the angiogram which was on the wall of the theatre
I saw the GP because I developed diarrhoea in the New Year and it won't go away despite cutting out chocolate and multi vits
I think it must be the medication but the GP has referred me back to the hospital presumably to check that it is not something else
There seems to be a difference in opinion between the consultants and surgeons over the bypass-whether it should be MIDCAB "between the ribs" or "conventional" opening up the chest with the latter now the preferred option
Can I ask whether anyone can comment from experience on the effect that bypass surgery has on medication-whether it means the end of prescriptions with their side effects