Wow - what a year, what a journey! So far so good. My bio-prosthetic aortic valve has performed faultlessly and a recent baseline echocardiogram confirms valve is well seated and functioning as it should. Initially I was railing against the dreaded beta blockers but have come to terms with my meds - no significant side effects and an acceptance that it's probably protective.
Physically, I have my exercise tolerance restored so no more angina and associated breathlessness although I am aware that I still have underlying coronary artery disease having had my LAD stented in 2015. Lucky enough to have had this done without it being prompted by a heart attack.
So, I'm cycling, walking and playing regular tennis with renewed vigour and stamina. In fact my heart rate peaked this week at 153 bpm whilst cycling uphill whilst my resting rate is in the range 48-52 bpm. I've also had the opportunity to test things at altitude with a couple of weeks snowboarding.
The great thing is that I don't really feel that my health misfortune currently limits what I want to do although my bio valve will decline over time and so further surgery is on the cards. There's no warranty on the valve so I'm thinking 10 good years but 15 or even 20+ is not unknown. No point pondering on that one or what the ageing process will throw at me, so I'm eating sensibly, exceeding 5 x 30 minutes weekly exercise and practising moderation where necessary. And importantly, enjoying the new lease of life that I've been gifted.
Confronting your mortality is pulled into sharp focus with the risks associated with surgery, so I'm grateful, relieved and above all else committed to living life to the full, as to do less would be an irresponsible waste.
So be informed, focused and brave but although it's your journey, remember those around you who travel with you - partners, family and friends.
And finally, a big 'thank you' to all BHF forum members, pre- and post-op, for sharing, supporting and advising. You guys have been there for me when needed and always quick to respond which has been invaluable. Keep up the good work.