Hi Everybody. Its great to see lots of differing opinions. I am a 53 year old with a stent after the discovery of blocked Artery. the procedure went well despite some pain on my behalf. However I had some discomfort in larynx and top of the chest area... not really angina. Having still got this now and again after a month they put me in for a Nuclear Myo cardial perfusion scan. It might have something to do with my brochiastisis ( only minor) . My scan is a week tomorrow and I am scared after reading the leaflet about the Radiation. I have had a CT scan about 6 months ago and plenty of x rays. I am certain that my thoracic and cardiac specialists don't communicate and if I ,for want of a better word , "Nuke" myself for no reason I'm not sure I could handle it.
Has anybody else had this dilemma before? Should I cancel it? and do other people find it difficult to notice the difference between lung problems and heart problems?
Looking forward to hearing from people . One of those dilemmas!!!
Kind regards