Had triple by pass 2019 followed by 1 stent 3 weeks later. Have had periods of unstable angina ever since. Cardiac team have tried to get to the source of the problem …. 5 day monitoring in hospital, angiograms ( 3 since 2019) etc
So last week I attended Southampton hospital for a perfusion scan to find out why I am struggling with ongoing angina. They did a chemically induced stress test. And oh boy did it stress my heart. Had angina spreading to left arm and back, felt shaky, faint, breathless, nauseous ….. usual symptoms I get when having bad angina attack. My hr,bp,ecg,oxygen were constantly monitored for the 6 hours I was at hospital and no changes were seen. A cardiac consultant talked to me and they were very concerned but agreed to let me go home ….. my choice ….but they didn’t have any beds anyway… on the understanding that I would go to A&E if things didn’t change. Stuck it out for 4 days then attended A&E because symptoms had not eased. As usual they were hectic but they did all the usual tests. Troponin, ecg, bp, O2, hr, X-ray all showed no change. So I haven’t had a heart attack. So they reluctantly agreed to send me home …. Again they had no beds and I have a very comfortable bed at home.! They’ve increased my meds … now taking Ranexa 750 mg 2x pday, Nicorandril 30 mg 2x pday, Amlodipine 10 mg plus gtn as needed and they rang Soton to speed up the results
Was woken at 4 am with bad angina pain ….. took gtn and pain killers which only provide short term relief. Advice is to go back to A&E but it’s horrendous there and I don’t think they can do much until scan results are back.
If I’m not having a heart attack is ongoing angina damaging my heart? Would like to do more than sit on the sofa. It’s a gorgeous day out there and I’m climbing the walls.