At last, I travelled to London yesterday to Royal Brompton and Harfield for care that should have been in place several years ago by my local hospital trust ... and before you ask YES it was still under the NHS .
I have been suffering from heart trouble for some years and have had two stents in 2017 and another on Jan 2019 ... all these whilst on holiday and all in the same hospital and the same surgeon !!!
I have been in hopsital loads of times in this period in the UK even as an in patient and each time I had been told by my local hospital and cardio team that the tests were normal. My hospital file must be three inches thick ( I have seen it) Yet with all the history at their fingertips and previous stents they still say nothing is wrong ... The last escapade having a further stent in January having been rushed to hospital by ambulance for the second time in two years , made up my mind I needed to go elsewehere ....
I contacted my GP, on my return and had an immediate and urgent request to be seen by another cardioloigist at The Royal at my request , being the leading heart specialist in the UK and maybe even Europe. I even undertook research through their website to select a cardiologist I could get on and work with.
I spoke to the Royal, explaining my situation and am pleased to say I was able to receive an appointment within three weeks of the request made . In the interim my local hospital could only offer an appointment late April ??
The appointment was mid morning but arrived early just in case , within that time I hade an ECG a blood test and saw the cardiologist to discuss my situation and to take notes and to check my heart whilst there, and I was still able to leave before my appointment was actually due.
They have immediatley put together a comprehensive plan together for me with a wide variety of heart tests to be done including a stress test , scan and a more detailed heart scan through MRI imaging ......... and this will be scheduled within the next few weeks with a formal review in 12 weeks of the results.
To me whatever the results, this is the most positive outcome for my care I have experienced to date and all through me taking ownership of my own care and not taking NO for an answer.
If you feel that you arent getting the care in your area , PLEASE go and discuss this with your GP and request a CHANGE ...... if your GP is lethargic or not willing to listen then consider changing the GP. As harsh as this sounds, you cannot continue to listen to dinosaurs ANY MORE !!
You DONT have to take SECOND BEST . This may be your only opportunity to take control of you LIFE. Be POSITIVE, take CONTROL OF YOUR CARE .
All the very best to everyone !!