What’s the general feeling about return to work? I’m office based with a fair bit of driving and it’s fairly sedentary, probably one of my causes of heart attack. Anyway I’ve had 3 stents fitted and and signed off until 5 jan (5 weeks after the stents). General paperwork l’ve seen supports this but the rehab nurses suggested sooner. How do we gauge when we return as the gp signs the note but the rehab nurses are the ones that see you weekly. Is it down to a chat with them first?
Going back to work: What’s the general... - British Heart Fou...
Going back to work

Hi Rowing. I had a heart attack + 1 stent and was ready to go back after 4 but went back on a phased basis after 6 weeks (Christmas got in the way). I started off with 3 short days then worked up to full time after a couple of months. I was ready to go back and get going again so I’d say go back if you feel ready. Maybe have a chat with your cardio nurses if you’re unsure. They’re probably balancing the benefit of getting active again and having something else to focus on vs your current stamina (which will improve and come back but it will take time). All the best.

I do not think it can be as specific as the 30th December or 5th January. Is it possible for you to do a phased return with either less days or shorter hours? Most people find the initial return more tiring than they expect! Pace yourself and try and minimise stress - it is more damaging than people realise!
Phased return is available so I will take that up. Plus I will be almost evangelical about health matters in the workplace, taking breaks, going out for walks and promoting healthier snacks too. I’ll be unbearable.😅😅
One thing not to forget if you use a VDU a lot is to focus on distant (both middle and long distance) objects at least hourly or your eyes can get dry and irritated.
Good one. I blocked out a lunch hour in my diary and try to get out for a half hour walk. It makes a huge difference. I felt the whole HA experience helped me to rebalance work and life and that makes me better at work. I’m also a lot less stressed than I was (even though the job is the same). After all - what’s the worst that can happen?

Of course, I always hope it’s nice and straightforward for people after having such heart events. I don’t know the percentages, but for some of us it is not complete at the first intervention, and it can take a bit longer .....more investigations or drug juggling, and sometimes more procedures, before we have a straight run.
I found the cardiac nurses wonderful in supporting and informing, but they said it was, in the end, down to how I felt, how quickly I thought I could return to work and normal life.
It is entirely possibly that your employer will not let you return before your GP says so - this is more about their insurance than your personal welfare. That said, don’t hurry back, a week here or there makes little or no difference to your employer but is another week or so in your recovery. As others have said, a phased approach to your return would definitely be worth exploring.
I’d also like to ask about going back to work after a long period, but I should probably start another post about this one.
Good luck with your return to work. 👍🏻👍🏻
I have been released after all stent placement in 3 days 😯 I have 12 now
Just to clarify..I did rehab first 2 hours of work time..
Cripes what a question! I guess it is really too subjective to have a stock answer? Depends on far too many variables, age, financial circumstances, general state of health. For me, it was a time to reflect on what life is all about. Some people seem to thrive on work, bless them. For me, it was right lets sack this working lark, but that's easy for me because I can afford to, however it does depend on your lifestyle and if you are prepared to cut out the new cars and 4 holidays a year sort of thing.. You absolutely HAVE to reflect on what life is all about and if your lifestyle so far has got you into this mess??

All true, ps I’ve just taken up guitar so your name is quite apt.. 👍👍
I returned to work after 6 weeks having had a heart attack and two stents fitted. I'm lucky that I work from home and if I have to travel, I would most definitely have had a phased return as I have to occasionally had to have 40 winks in the afternoon. I assume you are exercising, keep this up, it will help with your days at work. I've booked an hour out in my diary for lunch and I take at least 40 minutes of that to do some exercise (a good hard walk mainly) and 20 to eat & drink.
Listen to your body and if needed take your time. Remember this is your health and you can only look after yourself.