Heart Rehab is it as bad?: yesterday i... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart Rehab is it as bad?

mikeydt profile image
23 Replies

yesterday i went to a large clinic in my area i wasn't there for heart rehab but when i went into the building i could hear lots of music from within one of the clinic rooms and saw on the notice board that it was heart rehab classes.

anyway while waiting the clinic rehab door opened and out came a nurse with a lady who said she had gone very hot and faint.

after a while they both went back to the rehab room then be blown around 10 minutes later the door opened again and out came 2 nurses with yet another woman in distress.

basically i sat there wondering what the heck was going on.

basically i think many on here have been or attending heart rehab classes is it really as bad as what i was seeing?

thankfully i was there for something else but boy did i know about it afterwards.

got to go back next week so will be wondering how many heart rehab people will be coming out again in such a state.

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mikeydt profile image
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23 Replies
Nathan53 profile image

My experience of rehab sessions was very positive. The sessions were lead by a mixture of Physio Assistants and Specialist Cardio Physiotherapy. Sessions comprised of talks on various cardio related subjects and exercise sessions. All participants were carefully monitored and if anyone's heart rate was going above there max target they were coached to reduce the pace of exercise. Occasionally if someone felt dizzy or unwell they were taken aside and BP and HR monitored. Please don't be deterred from attending all groups are different and reasons people feel unwell are different. At the start of each session were all asked individually how we were feeling that day whether we had taken meds, had GTN spray with us. We were also asked if temperature of room was comfortable. I would advise everyone to try sessions and if problems do arise raise them at the time with the Physio.

Alison1960 profile image
Alison1960 in reply to Nathan53

I agree totally. I thought my rehab class would be a doddle but they do work you - but very carefully monitored at all times. Yes, occasionally someone would come out but normally because they hadn’t taken their meds or not eaten before the class - we were advised to do both 2 hours before. The classes are a great way to improve your fitness and well as your confidence in yourself.

Turpin1548 profile image
Turpin1548 in reply to Nathan53

It has taken weeks to organise my rehab. It starts next week and that will be almost 13 weeks since my first HA and 10 since my stents. I was looking forward to it, perhaps not so much now!

Nathan53 profile image
Nathan53 in reply to Turpin1548

Really I know all rehab groups will be slightly different but I am often very critical of how sessions appointments etc are conducted but I can only reiterate I had a really positive experience. Be positive look forward to it and try and distract from any anxiety you may have. Once you are there you will be so into taking part you will relax. It's interesting informative and I felt the Phydios and Assistants really wanted to motivate and encourage. It's a Shame you have waited a long time but now it's happening grab the chance. Also it sows the seeds to encourage you to continue exercising in a way that works for you after rehab ends.

kizza67 profile image

In my 6 weeks of cardio rehab we never had anyone feel unwell of distressed they look after you really well and it is a positive experience don't let what you saw put you off

Chappychap profile image

I've completed seven weeks of cardio rehab, so next week will be the last.

Once or twice people who had elevated heart rates after exercise were requested to wait a few minutes longer before leaving, it's hardly high drama but that's about the only incidents that I can report!

BigT2013 profile image

No it's not that bad I've been going for nearly 12 months.

Never been worried.

However even with the air conditioning on it does get very warm even on slight exertion within the cardiac Rehabilitation gym/centre .

Not to be sexist but both were young ladies.

They may have simply been overcome by the very warm conditions. Thus feeling a little faint

Thus the nurses took them out for fresh air.

If it was anything more serious they would have them on an examination bed and wired up to various monitors and monitoring vital signs.

BP, heart rate etc

Nothing to worry about at all.

Dickyticker26 profile image

It sounds a bit like physiotherapy which I had after piriformis syndrome where the muscles of your backside go into spasm and clamp on the sciatic nerve

It is murder and takes weeks to overcome

The physio exercises seem to be designed to hurt just when the original pain is beginning to settle down and a lot of patients give up and stop going

The one exercise I remember is having to breath out whilst pulling in your stomach

This lift the floor of the abdomen and gets you right where it hurts

Camelliared profile image
Camelliared in reply to Dickyticker26

The exercises in cardio rehab should not cause any pain. If when doing any exercise you begin to feel discomfort, we are told to stop and just march on the spot until it’s time to move onto the next station.

If there are any particular areas of pain or weakness at the start , the exercises are adapted to suit the individual.

thetidders profile image

I finished cardiac rehab in November & have now progressed to cardio fit at a local gym also with a cardiac physio. As the others have said your blood pressure is taken before & after exercises & a careful watch is kept throughout. We all had our own indidual programme of exercises which was reviewed & changed every few weeks so that you improved & I did.

They are specialised cardiac exercises not like Dickyticker described.


Camelliared profile image
Camelliared in reply to thetidders

Tried to like your comment but it was not recorded!

Mike424u profile image

I have never been one for the gym or keep fit, never been really un healthy either, until my HA. But I have to say the cardio rehab I attended in my local area, was the best thing I ever did, and I have continued with it after the 6 weeks and go to an evening keep fit class, which is run by the same lady that runs the cardio keep fit class exercise.

Camelliared profile image

I’m two weeks into cardio rehab and am totally hooked on the exercises now. Was hard the first week but much easier the second week. On both occasions I came home and did a 30 minute walk with my dog. I felt

energised. I love the movements and hope to join another class in my area when the rehab. is over and also practice at home. As others have said everyone is carefully monitored and blood pressure checked from time to time. I thougherly recommend these sessions.Its important to drink lots of water throughout and not eat for 2 hours beforehand. Also to wear suitable clothing and shoes for the exercises to avoid getting over heated.

Qualipop profile image

I wasn't even allowed to go to rehab. They had nothing for people in wheelchairs. The woman in charge just kept saying "Oh but you wouldn't be able to do that". As rehab is arranged by the cardiac dept at the hospital, my GP has written to the consultant.

Love100cats profile image

I asked for rehab but I don't think I'm going to get it. I know it's available but I've been told no swimming which I love and just a 10 minute gentle walk each day. So maybe they don't think I'm fit for it yet. It seems mainly for those recovering from heart surgery rather heart failure as in my case.

Potuar profile image
Potuar in reply to Love100cats

My husband recently had HF and cannot get any rehab as he is anaemic following the HF. So his keep fit regime is restricted to walking around in the house or supermarkets.

Love100cats profile image
Love100cats in reply to Potuar

I walk the 20 yards or so to the gate each day. Most days someone is walking their dog down the road so I can speak to somebody. I quite like it and I gat a bit of fresh air. After a while I will start walking down the road.

Handel profile image

Hi mikeydt. My husband has been refused any more cardio rehab as he suffers with 'white coat syndrome'. His BP was all over the place and very, very high. Fair play to the cardio rehab team, they sent him home 4 sessions in a row.

He's been to 3 sessions with no real problem (his BP was high but within their limits).

They really worked him hard on those 3 days - bike, treadmill!, rowing machines etc. but they really do monitor well.

I would imagine those ladies weren't usually the exercising types?

He's just had a 24 hour BP monitor and the results were text book. He's 68 with a BP of 124/72.

Anyway, he's still bike riding (static) and walking miles each day. He's disappointed he can't go to rehab anymore but at least that shows the cardio staff really monitor everything.

Good luck xxx

Clerkenweller profile image

I’ve just completed 6 weeks rehab at Barts and it was brilliant. Any exercise should be very gentle and at your own pace. Music is just bonkers.

TinaC1 profile image

I had never been in a gym until cardiac rehab. I had heart attack in Oct out of blue aged 56 and one stent. I have just finished my sessions and have to say I will miss the sessions very much. The physios were vere supportive and monitored me closely especially at the start. In some of my sessions I was the only female with about 16 men but I always felt at ease. My experience was extremely positive,

Choirman profile image

2 stents in November 18 and last two gym rehab sessions coming up this week. Fantastic experience delivered by people who know what they are talking about and take great pride in the service they are delivering. I cannot speak highly enough of the staff at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and I thoroughly recommend this support programme no matter where you are.

mikeydt profile image

really good to see so many interesting posts and many thanks for all the replies.

well today i went back and yes it was like a war zone again it started off okay then all hell let loose.

a old lady came out and 2 nurses followed and when she came back she had lost her shoe! and then minutes later a lady only came out crying, my time for now has finished there as i am off to another hospital for treatment will be some months though.

Judy2208 profile image

If you have a correct assessed trainer the classes are good as you are monitored from beginning of class till end Do not worry the staff no your limits

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