Hi, I’m six weeks after heart attack, stent fitted. I went to the Cardio clinic last week and was signed up for rehab. I read all advice about cardio rehab and went enthusiastically to my first class yesterday. Compared to the other people there it was obvious I am still far from recovered. The class was held in a very small room, 20 people, electric fires, no open windows, very dusty, doesn’t help when I am a chronic asthmatic.
Lots of stairs to access the room, then had to go downstairs to do a walking test, this is in the full gym, a lot of machinery in a very small space, the noise and dust were overwhelming for me. As I can just about walk to the end of my road I knew I couldn’t do the initial walking test, the whole thing was just more than I could cope with. I felt a total failure, I burst into tears, this is the first time I’ve been reduced to tears since the heart attack.
The nurse sent me home, telling me to go to the GP as I was obviously still unwell. She advised me to go to a Cardiac Rehab class in a nearby town which she thought was better.
Has anyone else had this sort of experience, the majority of people seem to sing the praises of rehab. I would add that I don’t drink, smoke, not overweight, indeed since the heart attack I have unintentionally gone from 10st to 8st 13lb because I have been so sick and cannot eat, partly due to the meds. I did a lot of gardening and DIY before and I am usually very fit and active. Apparently my heart attack was a genetic factor.
I am really disappointed in my experience at rehab, has anyone else felt like this?