I originally completed my 12 weeks of cardio rehab at the end of June. The rehab staff knew I was having an ICD implanted in August and said I'd be referred back to rehab for some further sessions after the procedure.
My ICD was implanted on 19th August in Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and the rehab team made contact on 22nd August.
I was due to go and be assessed on 23rd September, but had a phone call yesterday to say that someone had cancelled their appointment for 9am today - would I be interested? Absolutely!
Just got back from St Caths, had the usual taken, BP, ECG, height and weight, all fine, figures virtually the same as they were when I finished rehab at the end of June, so no need to take an exercise tolerance test.
I'm booked it to be reviewed by the pacing clinic on 9th October, the cardio rehab will call me the following day to sort out my start date another 12 weeks in rehab.
Happy Days 😊