Hi had a bypass 21st November the problem I am having is cold hands&feet my wife says I have to keep my socks on in bed!????
Cold hands: Hi had a bypass 21st... - British Heart Fou...
Cold hands

I had heart attack and the result was I had icy cold feet and hands (with attractive blue grey nails) for about six months after stent. Husband complained bitterly about feet and it was fun to terrorise him with the threat of cold feet suddenly landing on him..... Titanic moment..... the solution was bedsocks (yeuk) or get a heat pad, one that goes in the microwave and position it so you can keep your feet on it. ALthough you won;t feel too much warmer your partner gets slightly warmer feet landing on them. Good luck - it caused a lot of interesting arguments in our house about selfish people and cold feet....
Are you taking a beta blocker as this can cause that feeling. Nothing to worry about but unpleasant. How are you apart from the 'cold prob'. Maybe invest in electric blanket?
I am taking beta blockers will I be on them for life?cold feet yes I have had sum fun getting my own back he he he he
I think you will probably be on a beta blocker for life - can see you getting nicknamed ' The Fridge's hehe
Hand knitted sheep's wool socks solved it for me - can’t bear to be without them now.
I used to get cold hands and feet after CABG but now not so much , hopefully it wont last for you. I take Beta blockers daily.
Almost certainly the beta blockers.
I am also on beta blockers and have cold hands which stops me playing golf in the winter.
This is due to the effect of the beta blockers on heart rate...what's worrying is 'does this mean the extremities are being deprived of a proper blood supply? What about the brain?'
Anybody know?
Its True I have to do the same. What this is caused by is the blood thinning tablets that you may be taking as I do and that seems to dissipate the heat away from your hands and feet
I dont like wearing socks in bed either but its either that or damn cold feet !!
My Doctor gave me Nifedipine after I told him about my freezing cold hands and feet, usually caused by Beta Blockers. See what your Doctor thinks. Also I decided to knit wool socks, quite a challenge as I last used four needles as a teenager, and I was 83 when I had my heart attack.
If its cold I get reynaulds syndrome where your fingers go white. I asked about this and received the cheery reply 'Get some good thick gloves'. Not sure what you can do about circulation problems but I have a couple pairs of Possum/Merino socks that work a treat -wear the socks = go to sleep, don't wear the socks - don't sleep.
Me too its the blood thinner with me never had cold hands till I got on blood thinner
Yeh , always have cold hands and feet, but you know what everyone says cold hands..... WARM HEART lol x
I was wrongly given beta blockers as I don’t need them wiv my heart condition and getting cold feet a year after coming off them. I’m on satins and other heart meds.