Finished work in Nov dont get nothing of social till 19 Jan that's 10 weeks no money universal credit grrrrr no wonder ppls stressed than they give you 4 weeks money 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
10 weeks no money: Finished work in Nov... - British Heart Fou...
10 weeks no money

That's a terrible way to end the year, I hope 2019 brings you better luck and better health.
I know got 12 weeks severance pay FM work and had to use it grrr
I know how that feels the ESA won’t pay me anything because I don’t have enough National insurance contributions and because my husband had a private pension they say I have a income but I don’t so at the moment we have no money and with Christmas coming up I don’t know quite what we are going to do we have nearly used all our food up and I have heart failure as well I hope you get your’s sorted soon good luck.
I got esa for a month, then they stopped it.I scored
no points at interview, I was disappointed,I am left
in limbo no income and not sure what the future
holds, claimed a small pension early, but thats it
till I reach retirement age.I could try claim jsa but
I dont feel well enough to do full time work, so things
are bleak.
Know what you're going through Wodney. I have been refused any assistance from anywhere. I have cashed in a couple of small pensions to give me some cash now to help out, and keep paying the bills.
My income has dropped from 1300 per month to under 600 ( would be under 400 but i receive a small pension) but the bills are still there, in fact some (heating / electricity) are higher because obviously being at home, less mobile then the heating is turned up. Rent and Council Tax takes 400 of that 600.
Not allowed to drive but still got to pay car bills paid, shopping by taxi - result 4pts milk = 5.20.
DWP stopped my payments because I failed my latest work capability assessment. I was lucky because a local charity helped me with the appeal. That said, I went eight weeks living on donations from a food bank. The food kept me going, but wasn’t exactly healthy. My stents were fitted last March, all the Stress from dealing with the DWP, made me quite ill. I suffer from long term depression and anxiety. I also have Asbergers, and osteoporosis. Words can’t describe how I felt. Luckily I won my appeal. I can’t imagine how you are feeling. I wonder how many people who go through this sort of thing, still vote Conservative afterwards? Don’t be under any illusions, Universal Credit is designed to make life as difficult as possible for those that are forced to claim it. It was Ian Duncan Smiths, way of destroying the welfare system. You have my very best wishes for the future. Good luck.
I've had to finish work through my health got a letter of my consultant bout bout my heart been really weak so hopefully fingers crossed il pass mi assesment work paid me 12 weeks severance pay