Recently had 4 stents (10 Weeks) put into my heart . Quite fit person prior , non smoker and drinker. Following rehab, medicine and diet as suggested.Now even at 10 Weeks I am getting chest discomfort, which I thought will go away in 6-8 weeks thinking it was stretch pain. It pops up suddenly across the whole chest sometime it is on left near nipple area it comes and goes away . Sometime feel pain around lower ribs on both side.
Fine during exercise, walk and doing house work. Not much other symptoms, I use ECG on my Fitbit sense occasionally to verify for sinus rhythm. I try to think it is an anxiety but it comes back often when not expected .
I have booked in with sport cardiologist. In 3 weeks and my interventional cardiologist on 4 weeks for 3 months follow up. Until then don't know how to manage my situation.
-Is anyone going through any discomfort and pain as i am and how long it went for?
- Any suggestions to deal with my situation ?
- What should I ask my sport cardiologist and interventional cardiologist ?