Should have been another good day getting all the props ready on stage for panto.
But once again I've come home at the end of the day and ended up rubbing my chest after a full day of bloody chest pain.
Now I'm suffering the effects of working my backside off....Thanks angina..
How could my cardiologist go on and on about it being muscular skeletal then sees me last week and says I don't think it's cardiac? Isn't angina cardiac? Now sitting quietly at home with pain deep in chest and when I breath in with odd stabbing pain down top of arm....
And it's not Angina. ..yeah right doc!
I hate this and the way it just ruins my daily life😢
Then to add to the misery I chatting with a colleague and she says her poor dad is now paralysed on he's right side after having a stent procedure and angina...year later has massive heart attack. Rushed to London hospital for bypass! After the bypass suffers big stroke and now paralysed.
What a day!!!!