Hi can anyone help? My BP is low 86/58. Is there anyway I can get this to go higher?
BP is low: Hi can anyone help? My BP is... - British Heart Fou...
BP is low

Your medication probably needs some minor adjustment. See your GP next week or if concerned ring 111 for advice, particularly if you are symptomatic.
Thanks MichaeljH, I’m feeling ok just a little clammy. I’m going to check it again in an hour to see if it’s got a little higher. Your such a comfort to this group Michael x
Hi lynn I find drinking water brings it up. Your maybe a bit dehydrated
Hi Lynn In addition to the replies you have already received the other thing that will increase your BP is increasing sodium (salt) level in your diet. I know the aim is to carefully watch and aim for a low sodium diet, a temporary increase may help particularly if you already have a very low intake? I think as Michael says your meds may need reviewing so my suggestion is only a very temporary emergency measure and of course not an option if you have kidney or other health problems which dictate low sodium diet.
I forgot to also say if you think BP is really low at anytime be careful when standing up after you have been sitting or lying down. Stand for a minute before walking and if you feel unsteady or dizzy sit back down
Hi all I’m in hospital again now, by BP went very low. They think it’s my meds😬 hopefully I’ll get it sorted soon x
Oh pants but maybe the best place - they will get you sorted and home soon x
Bloods , echo and ecg was all good, just waiting for X-ray. They want me to only take one 30mg isosorbide a day instead off the two. I only started the two a day yesterday 😬😬😬😬
Pleased your results are clear Lynn you will be out quickly I am sure. Take care
I’m home again now, BP still low, but they were happy for me going home. It’s a case of getting the meds sorted. Thanks for your lovely messages x
Best of luck Lynn. I take a 20mg isosorbide mono in the morning and a second pill 6 hours later. That seems to work well for me. Clare
I’ve had my meds uped and a couple of heart ops and my bp went up. It’s now high instead of low.
Did they check your sodium (salt) level?Do you have instrumentation?
I got a pulse oximeter, which proved that my SPo2 was getting down to 75 at night... then the GP realised that I was not "just depressed" and referred me to a cardio!
Hi all my bp has been good today, Iv just stopped taking the isosorbide monotrate in the morning, just take one in the afternoon. Iv had a much better day today. Feel a little like my normal self x