Hi I'm John when I was 15 I was playing football one day and I suffered a minor heart attack I was rushed to the local hospital since then I have been referred to 4 different hospitals they do there test I never get the results and then I get ignored I would really like some help as I have family and I want to be there while the grow up
Help : Hi I'm John when I was 15 I was... - British Heart Fou...

I would like to add that I have been diagnosed with a vt and one hospital diagnosed a irregular arrhythmia and my last ecg came back with a rbbb and a lvh. Is it normal to be fine one minute and then the next to be getting palpitations and dizziness and by the time I arrive at the hospital ecg come back fine and I feel fine. It is really irritating. Is there anyone else who has the same
I also have a suspected sub aortic stenosis
What ia rbbb and Ivh please?
So the rbbb came back 3 months ago on a ecg which means right branch bundle block and the ecg I had a couple of weeks ago called came back with a lvh which is left ventricular hypertrophy
Thank you.
RBBB isn't very worrying but you should still bring it up to the cardiologist when you them.
Are you very slim? LVH on your EKG can be a false, if your very slim or a lead is poorly placed... Both my children had this on EKG and my son who is now 19 still has it show up but they have both saw cardiologist and neither of them have it. The same is true for the RBBB it can be a false if a lead is poorly placed and so I wouldn't worry to much if you haven't had multiple EKGS show these findings and until you see the cardiologist because they are both common findings on EKGS and a lot of times the person doesn't even have these conditions.
I have had some things show up on my EKGS like long qt syndrome which I dont have, has showed up on multiple EKGS but when measured manually it was found the machine over estimated and recently I have left bundle branch block that showed up 3 times on an event monitor I wore for 2 weeks though it hasn't appeared on any of my EKGS and so not really sure if I have it or not just yet.
In any case, you have a few things going on that really need to be followed up on. Try not to worry to much in the meantime about these to things specifically because it may turn out that you don't have these 2 at all
How old are you? You had a heart attack when you were just 15 years old or do you mean you had an arrythmia?
Unfortunately yes, it is possible to have an arrhythmia and go back into sinus rhythm by the time you make it to the hospital and because of that have the EKG come back normal. To catch arrhythmias it's best to wear an event monitor for 30 days or so.
What do you mean you were diagnosed with VT? The one thing that comes to mind when I see that is V-tach but I would be surprised if you were diagnosed with that and not have an ICD implanted.
No, I wouldn't say it's normal to feel fine one minute and the next have palpitations and feel dizzy but it happens in people with arrhythmias, they come out of no where and it can also happen in people with anxiety.
You really need to see a cardiologist for a workup. I don't know where you live but you are entitled to your medical records, they are yours. If they aren't telling you the results, request your medical records from them. They have to give them to you.
No I had a minor heart attack I was rushed to hospital all the test came back okay but when they did the blood test they said that I had had a minor heart attack. Yes I was diagnosed in 2012 with what some call a vt some call vtach and the right one is ventricular tachycardia and a suspected stenosis o wasn't told about this diagnosis until early this year when I spoke to my doctor and he looked at the notes that were sent back by the hospital. I was implanted with a loop recorder which they had took some data off but stopped seeing me at that hospital I had the loop recorder removed by a different hospital this year. So it was in 6 years and they just through it in the bin. In 2015 basildon hospital detected a arrhythmia but again I only got the results this year.
Have you had an echocardiogram?
I had a loop recorder implanted in September...
Yes several my last a couple of months ago came back fine the one before that came back with a arrhythmia but again was treated the royal Brompton put me on beaterblockers in 2012 again I never received a prescription and never knew until my gp reed the notes to me
An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart, it looks for structural abnormalities, pumping efficiency etc. If you haven't had one which I'm guessing you probably did but just incase if you didn't, you need to get one and if you have documented ventricular tachycardia, you should see a cardiologist to have it evaluated.
Yes I have had several echos I have it 2 at royal Brompton 2 with basildon one in a clinic in chelmsford and 1 with broomfield they did pick up a large mass in my right ventricle in royal Brompton and then in basildon pick up a mass in my left ventricle but as usual nothing was done my problem is most of my family members that have died have (excuse my language) dropped dead and then when they give them a post Morton they have all came back with heart problems this include my nan and grandad aged 40 my aunt and uncle aged 34 and 40 another uncle 29 my niece aged 1 another neice aged 25 my great nan and grandad both heart related and this isn't from one side this is both maternal and paternal sides. So the stress of it doesnt help so I'm guessing it's hereditary but would use ask for a gene test as I was advised the other day it might be possible that I have a faulty gene
Yeah you have a lot of different findings on tests and a lot going on. You deff need a cardio asap to sort it all out.
I understand the fear of family history, my fathers side has a scary sudden death history that worries me.
I saw a genetic dr in September and had some testing done. The results came back early October and I have an appt on the 13th to go over them. Perhaps you should see one as well. The wait was long for me, about 18 months but it's worth it..
Is there any chance you can pay to have it done sooner
The genetic testing as I spoke with my gp this week and he said he would refer me
I live in the United States and have insurance. The reason my appointment took so long is because it was at a University and genetic drs are few and far between here.
I know there are places online where you can have your genome ran on your own. There is one called color and they have a cardiac panel, its not much money, I think $150. They send a kit to your house, you spit in the tube and send it back. My daughter and I both have had testing with Invitae. You have to have a drs order with them but it doesn't have to be a genetic dr. Your regular dr can give you the script, they also have a cardio panel. I don't know how much they charge because my insurance covered it but if you don't have insurance and can't afford the testing, they have a program where you will either pay $100 or nothing at all.

Sadly with heart issues thing can vary considerably. Have you considered going to see a cardiologist privately, available. cost £200 - £250. I found it extremely helpful and informative. My medication was also changed as a result of which I felt quite a bit better. You do need to research this so you see one that specialises in the appropriate area.
My wife said last week would it be better to go private as things seem to be going down hill quickly and the hospital excuse is there is a 4month waiting list my left symptom is feeling fatigued and wanting to go to bed at 5pm ( I'm 23 years old) thank u for that advice I will do bit of research
I went private after waiting six weeks for an appointment with the local Urgent Chest Pain Clinic to be told there was a four month wait for an angiogram! The bypass was done under the NHS as I could not afford £25k+ !
Lucky enough me and my wife have been saving for a mortgage and her words are if I need a operation done privately then I will have it done she said she would rather have her husband then some money so il be waiting for my records in the next few weeks and then I will be booking a appointment. Our waiting list for my nhs hospital was 4 months for a consultation 6 weeks for a emergency appointment up to 8 weeks for any tests and up to 4 weeks for any test results
So I have rung around and amazingly the cardiologist I see in broomfield in 4months time to talk about my test results can see me in a private hospital called springfield as early as the 5 November amazing really isn't it
Your doctor will have the results of all your tests. I would discuss the results with them before forking out to go private. Hospitals rarely send the results of tests to the patients.
I have been to 4 different hospitals and had loads of tests done but the hospitals don't like sending there records to each other and so every time I get referred I have to start the test process again
Hi Jamt. No, hospitals don't like sending info to each other, but they should all automatically send them to your GP. Find out if one of the GPs at your practice is a cardiac specialist (most GPs now have a specialism) and get an appointment to discuss all your results with them.
What an awful thing to have to go through! It must be really worrying for you all. I'm pretty sure you can request a copy of all your notes/tests/results from hospitals/doctors etc. You could then book an appointment with your GP to go through them and would also have all the test results to show any new hospitals you attend. This would also keep the cost down should you wish to go private, they won't have to retest certain things if they already have the results.
I hope this has helped in some way and I hope you get the answers both you and your family need. Good luck with it all!
My wife has this week just requested my medical notes so hopefully we can get them back but I have been told sometimes I takes up to 8 weeks to get them back. As soon as I go to my gp he says you will have to speak to your cardiologist about it and I shut feel like he is shutting the door in my face. Would my doctor or cardiologist or even me be able to refer myself to another hospital as I'm in essex and the basildon hospital has suppose to have a brilliant cardiology I was referred there 3 years ago. I must admit I didn't have a great experience there I was shouted at for note hav8ng my medical notes. I was then given the average 3 test ecg the ultrasound and 7 day monitor and all 3 came back with a irregular arrhythmia and from there I was just ignored and wasn't told my test results so I just thought they had come back fine and had discharge me without telling me since 2015 I have been in and out of a and e with the same symptoms but I now have blackouts and seizures so I went back to my doctor and said these problem with my heart have got any better I feel like they are getting worse he looking on his system and found the results of my tests in basildon. To find that they were discussing implanting a pacemaker but never came to a decision and just shut the door in my face. So I was wondering would I or my doctor or cardiologist be able to refer me back there for a second chance as I'm with broomfield and the waiting list is pretty horrific so I have been told 4 months to see a consultant. 6 weeks for emergency appointments and if any test up to 8 week waiting and inhale been trying to get hold of broomfield for the last 6 day I have called around 5 times a day at different times and I never get an answer.
Hi, I would suggest you speak with your Cardiologist who organises your tests. You need to ask could you have a copy of the letter he sends to your GP. It is important for you to know your diagnosis especially if you require things like holiday insurance. It can sometimes lower the price for you. I make sure I get a copy of my results from my Cardiologist - it’s just the copy of what he sends to your GP. Ex NHS.
Hearing you had a HA at football frightens me. My boys all play footy but the middle one plays it a lot and I have been told they all need tested for what happened to me but they won’t do it until they are over 18.
i was having blood in I wee dr did an emergency referral went along to urology two weeks later to be told I had to have a ct scan (15 yrs before that I had a red dye put into me and was allergic to it and told you have to tell people you have an allergy of the red dye).Admitted to hospital when I'd had my heart attack and told dr I was allergic to red dye they couldn't get any feedback at all in the red dye (nothing to state on red dye) they tried always to get feed back transferred to another hospital where I had my stent put in. when I saw dr last wk I asked him what were the drugs you used with the red dye he stated nothing your not allergic to red dye I put your stent in and continued to say red dye 15 yrs ago it was but that changed. Anyway went for the ct scan appointment same day as I was at urology previous to this appointment and was asked what happened with the red dye allergy was told the radiologist wouldn't do the ct scan and I'd get a letter in the post when they found out about red dye. last wed went up to urology and told them dr had used red dye to put the stent in and I was fine so the sister said I will make an appointment for you today and youl get a letter in the post I am still waiting for that letter to come. It's a disgrace. This was an urgent referral 2 weeks referral so why am I still waiting. Left hand doesn't know what the right hands doing. Hope you get it sorted.
So yesterday morning I woke up feeling a bit dizzy my wife did my stats as usual blood pressure a little high but nothing major my sp02 levels were at 70 and the monitor pick up irregular heart beat so I phoned the doctor and said what was happening and she said we haven't got an appointment for 2 weeks I then feel asleep and got up for lunch at 1pm and was feeling okay again I just feel like I'm sleeping my life away I am 5 foot10 and weigh 74 kilos I'm quite a slim build so it not as if I'm over weight my primary job I a tree surgeon but the cardiologist told me to stop driving and working and didn't even sign me off so not sure if I still go to work or not I'm self employed so I dont even get sick pay