At last I've been able to start cardio rehab and I loved it hopefully from now on its onwards and upwards and maybe in the near future I might be somewhere near my old self👍
Cardio rehab: At last I've been able to... - British Heart Fou...
Cardio rehab

I have my first day tomorrow. My partner is taking bus with me so I don’t get lost. Still having some memory issues since surgery. They said it’s mostly a very small fit test. I was riding bikes, hiking, gyming prior to operation now it’s a struggle to walk. They said I was using my heart wrong before so now my body has to re learn.
Were you just tired a bit or what? I really feel my heart beat now and it’s kinda scary.
Like you I was doing loads before my heart attack and because I was getting some pain still they've only just let me start on the first day you just have a assessment then join a class which involves different sorts of exercise nothing to challenging but it will help build up your confidence
It will all be good. I've done rehab 3 times now - after first bypass, then stents, then second bypass. My stents and second bypass were caused by a technique used in the USA for the first bypass that isn't used anywhere now. I was running over 100km a week before my first bypass and was tired for months afterwards. Just before my second bypass last year I was a gym cycle instructor, runner, weight lifting coach etc. Even after rehab it has taken me months to get my full strength back - but it does come back if you take it slow and careful. I'm 60 and am back to deadlifting 90kg, pressing 80kg etc - as I said, slow but it comes back. Best bet is to work with your doctor, exercise physiologist etc to be safe. My wife goes to the gym with me and that is a huge support. Good luck!

Hi cardiac man oz
I see from you response your doing deadlifts and presses, I am 7 month after having 3 stents fitted and was told to stay away from Olympic lifts, as I’ve Advanced PT and health and Fitness Manager I have the knowledge for these lifts was just wondering at what stage you started these lifts
I started with basic mobilisation after I'd finished rehab under guidance of my physiotherapist and then progressed through therabands etc to start rebuilding muscle strength - I have a history of lower back and other niggling sports injuries and needed to rebuild all the stabilising muscles throughout my body to prevent re-injuring various joints etc. All up was probably 8 months after surgery before I started lifting actual gym weights and that was very low after Id done full upper body and lower body warm up. Started deadlifts with just the 20kg Olympic bar. I always start at that weight and now do 15 reps at that, then add 10kg (5 each end) for another 15 reps etc as my warm up. Once I get to where I want to do my exercise I do 3 sets of 10 reps. I don't do 1-3 rep maxes or anything like that. Big no is doing valsalva manoeuvre when lifting to support back; I do planks etc to build core strength so I don't have to do valsalva. I did everything under doctor guidance and everyone is different so you need to go with your doctor advice. cheers, Al

Thankyou, very interesting, and Thanks for taking the time and trouble to reply, it’s very much appreciated.
You might be interested in reading what this guy has done:
He has done research into HIIT and heart patients. Again, very much an individual thing under medical supervision but found his research interesting.

Well, I’m in a program called My Peak Challenge for three years that incorporates HIIT and Tabata work. Unfounded won’t be back there for 3 months. I hope to start up the program very slowly in another month or two after cardio classes. Back to the beginning.
How did you get on at cardio rehab?
I found out I was lucky because I was in shape before the surgery, but was given the news it will be at least 6 months to get back where i was. Starting real official work on Monday.
Went today, half hour on borng treadmill. Then we dd some arm work which had me really sore as they did the less invasive surgery which comes n from the right. Thus has my shoulde and chest and arm reall wonky. To think i was doing weights just weeks ago. But i did all the theraband work and hurt now.
Hi Jaspip. Glad it’s working out for you and you’re enjoying it. Yes I am sure your old self will surface especially as rehab will build your confidence. Stay strong. Zena
Well done good on you. Enjoy your new lease of life
Hi Jaspip... glad you are enjoying rehab. It is definitely a great way to start getting more mobile.. . Definitely helps confidence... and for me they helped me understand how to do exercise the right way... which helps my heart.
I think of it as baby steps... do at my pace... and a little bit more each week...and it's amazing how that helps you feel good mentally... as well as physically. And on my walks I am seeing lots of local wildlife... squirrels and birds... even a rabbit... it's lovely and life add. Enjoy and all the best. Karen
Cardio rehab certainly kick-started my healthier life-style, read about my experience here -
Starting mine today so its great to hear that it lives up to expectation.....I feel like you.....this is the step into a good future!
Cardio Rehab is a great way to learn that you can still do things. It will show you what your heart feels like when you exercise and how your body returns to rest afterwards.
Hi Jasppip. Its my last day of Cardiac Rehab today. I have learnt some amazing things about the heart and the exercises have helped me gain strength. I had experienced some breathlessness but as explained by the physio and cardiac nurses this was due to the lung being moved during surgery and was nothing to worry about, it is fine now. I have now started longer walks (or hikes) as my husband calls them and although I do get tired afterwards I feel like I am achieving something as well as keeping my heart healthy. Cardiac Rehab has been a godsend for me and I highly recommend it.
I am starting my cardiac rehab tomorrow 11 weeks post op. I think I could have done with it a few weeks ago.
Just how active is the rehab? The nurse won't even consider me for it because I use a wheelchair or scooter. I have trapped nerves, compressed discs and can't stay upright in one position for long but I'm worried that she's not offering anything at all. Even doing a bit of dead heading in the garden is exhausting me. A year ago I could at least manage to walk half a mile but that gradually dropped to just a few yards because of brethlessness. Just leaving me to potter about the house isn't going to improve anything surely?
It's fairly easy but probably not if your in a wheelchair because most of it involves standing steps bike etc although there are some arm exercises I'm surprised they won't let you join in and do what you can. Could you ask them if there's anything else nearby you could do
I kept telling her I would do what I could but every single reply was "Oh you won't be able to do that" and I was left with a simple "Try to increase your number of steps per day". I've only heard from her once and it's almost 5 weeks since my heart attack. I feel as if I've just been dumped. Apart from 2 blood tests I have seen the rehab nurse once and that's it since I came out of hospital. NO contact with GP or anyone else.
I admit it's a problem because I MUST NOT sit on a bike ( Nerve damage), can't stand for long and my shoulders are shot- all the tendons are shredded and need surgery as well as herniated discs and trapped nerves in my spine but there must be something I can do. Itdoesn't stop me gardening or decorating the house and such.
It's such a shame you haven't had the support it must just depend where you live my local hospitals rehab team are amazing and so supportive it's hard to know what else to suggest unless you ask your doctor
I did. They just said it's all up to the rehab nurse. NO follow up from them. It took them 2 weeks to change my statin after a bad reaction
You were fit before your HA. That should speed up your recovery. Before my CABGs I was told that the fitter your are beforehand the quicker and better you recover. BUT don't overdo it. I have had rehab and it gave me the confidence to push it a bit but to know when to ease off.
Thanks I was fit before the heart attack and I just want to get back to that but I know I've got to be sensible and take my time
It is frustrating isn't it? I had two goals, to get driving again and to be able to vacuum the carpets. I drove yesterday but still not allowed to sweep up- not much to ask is it but husband just doesn't see dog hair that drives me crazy.?
How funny that's exactly how I was my husbands idea of hoovering etc is way different to mine and like you we have dogs there was hair everywhere😂 how long is it since your HA then?
4 weeks and a few days but I have to go back sometime for another angiogram to check the pressure of blood flow through the main front artery. I don't understand why we can't push a vacuum cleaner unless they are afraid of the stents moving. I had 2 stents fitted. Isn't it daft what small things get you so frustrated. I shoudl be more worried about getting my diet right than dog hairs but they do drive me crazy and one dog i s moulting like mad. Big white tufts everywhere.
Yeah, I am still having trouble allowing myself to be invalided at all. It's one month and I am still feeling like I am getting hardly anywhere. The Anesthesia Fog is still making it hard.