Can anybody shine some light on what left arm angina pain tends to feel like?
ie, if it’s a cramp, heavy, an ache,
Or is it pinching or sharp?
Thank you! x
Can anybody shine some light on what left arm angina pain tends to feel like?
ie, if it’s a cramp, heavy, an ache,
Or is it pinching or sharp?
Thank you! x
I get a heavy feeling in left arm and pain thru to side of hand, also numbing of my jaw Plus the chest ‘ache’.
Different people experience heart problems differently, and of course there is a variety of different conditions. You cannot know whether pain is caused by your heart. While angina is most commonly provoked by exertion, there are conditions where it happens at rest, or both at rest and in response to exertion (I have microvascular angina which is in the latter category). If in doubt seek medical advice. In fact, since you cannot account for the pain, definitely seek help promptly.
If you have other symptoms of heart problems, e.g. shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, dial 999.
Fwiw, I had several episodes of an irritating dull ache in my arm and shoulder. Which went away. Then, one evening it didn’t.
I was sufficiently worried I called 999 and ended up being bluelighted to hospital when I became one of the bionic men, having been fitted with a stent, having had a heart attack.
Please - if your question is an attempt at self diagnosing a pain you’re experiencing, seek professional advice.
Best wishes.
What kind if pain you are having? Do you have chest pain too? Everyone has a different description as we all suffer pain at different levels.
No no chest pain with arm pain.
With the arm pain it comes on randomly, lasts a few seconds and it feels like someone is pinching my arm, it’s sharp.
As for chest pain, I get very sharp pain randomly, again lasts a couple of seconds. I sometimes also get a stabbing pain, again, it lasts less than 3-5 seconds on average.
Mine lasts longer but like I said we are all different. Sometimes just arm and others chest, arm and neck. Have you heart problems before?
When I was 23, I used to get a crippling sharp pain on my left side, I got sent for an ecg and the doctor said based on the results there’s nothing at all wrong.
I’m 33 now, but I suffer from extremely bad heart phobia anxiety and have done since I was about 21 years old. Other than that no issues.
I can exercise, my job is psysical labour etc and I have no issues. It’s the the random stabbing pains etc, I know my anxiety won’t be helping.
When you have the pain do you take a nitro? My husband resisted taking the nitro-but one tab and a 5 minute rest did wonders.