One Cigarette, Just One!: After reading... - British Heart Fou...

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One Cigarette, Just One!

Ginger1971 profile image
22 Replies

After reading through, and family dying and bypasses and stents and everything else, I woke up this morning wanting a cigarette!!

I convince myself most of this is hereditary and also more related to my anxiety and stress than smoking...... Make your own minds up on that, but today I want a cigarette. I have always despised myself for being a smoker, the smell, the taste and then quality of life. But today I want a cigarette. They killed my mum, caused my dads triple bypass, but today...... you know the rest....

Horrible things, have a lovely day everyone and good luck if you need it 😉 xxxx

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Ginger1971 profile image
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22 Replies
HarryBell profile image

You must be cracked, smoking is the single worse thing you could do, having just 1 is, as we know, another joke. If you do not have the guts do stop completely then you have asked for everything you get- surely? In short do not even think of cigarettes, you are simple paying some huge corporation to kill you!

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to HarryBell

I haven’t had one and I really don’t want to want to have one! It’s not the single worst thing I’m sure. So many non smokers on here I couldn’t believe my eyes 👀. I think it’s such a shame that they are allowed to be made, but I would expect excuses which would include cheese, Coca Cola, crisps, chocolate etc. If everything I enjoy that is bad for me is banned, you wouldn’t want my diet 😂.

But I am determined, I love not smoking, feeling clean, easier breathing, increased ability to use my brain, but I hate wanting a cigarette. How can I want something I hate? Funny old life innit! Mind you, it won’t be so funny if I die young wanting something I can’t have and having not enjoyed any retirement after working so hard all my life. Then I wouldn’t think it’s a funny old life.

Sorry, I do talk a lot of rubbish, but I mean most of it 🤔

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to Ginger1971

I gave up smoking 20 years ago and I have never wanted one since but I do dream about having them, particularly when I’m a bit stressed. I guess it’s a case of once an addict, always an addict. Stick with it, of the things you listed, smoking really is the worst thing you can do to your health and, as you have found for yourself, being. Non smoker is so much nicer than being a smoker. (For you and every non smoker around you).

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to stevejb1810

I get that. But I don’t actually want one, it’s not even a craving. I just want one!! 😂. I have given for 2 years, then 7 months and then 3 weeks at Christmas, absolutely no bother. But get me back in the van and on the way to site..... the night before I will be thinking 💭 oo, I can have a fag in the morning!!! All the time I’m in the house all I can think about is the cigarette in the van. But, come the weekend or time off, doesn’t bother me!! I don’t get it! More determined than ever, but I’m not kidding myself. Work stress and anxiety will be my killer if I can’t control it...... and I’m serious about that.

HarryBell profile image
HarryBell in reply to Ginger1971

Its not rubbish, it takes 7 years to clear out from your system. I gave up 36 years ago and still fancy a fag. I hate the corporations that lied fro so long to sell their awful poison. Be strong be lucky, cheers.

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to HarryBell

It’s nuts isn’t it... on both points!

invictaAlec profile image
invictaAlec in reply to HarryBell

Harry, thanks for putting your post up, but for people like me who are tearing their hair out for a fag having managed 5 weeks since my triple bypass, its somewhat daunting reading "I still fancy a fag after 36 years".


HarryBell profile image
HarryBell in reply to invictaAlec

I do not really fancy one, I really fancy taking all tobacco firms to court for poisoning on a mass scale and charging the victims for it- stick with it Alec

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to invictaAlec

I took umbridge to his comments too, but ultimately, no matter how you word it, it’s right. Never too late to give up😳. My philosophy was always..... if there is an urge, quench it, just learn to use less to quench it. I could have ran to London to get a cigarette, then on to Birmingham to light it and all the way to Brighton to smoke it! But I’d rather not have that urge or want. Glad I didn’t, glad you haven’t and let’s look forward not back 👀😘

Beekite profile image

Try not to beat yourself up too much . Wanting a cigarette is not the same as having a cigarette. Try to find something else that gives you pleasure and the want will pass, call a friend, have a wander in the sun and really embrace what you can see and hear around you. These are the reasons for living and the reasons why you no longer smoke, as you want to keep doing those things. 1 day at a time and look for something amazing in each, however little and simple this may be.

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to Beekite

Well said 😊. I do look for the positives in everything, it always makes a brighter day 😉

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I smoked my last cigarette in 1975 and have only smoked one cigar on the interim. Personally I think the urge after all these years is not for the nicotinic but triggered by the situation.

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to MichaelJH


MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

With all this talk I might buy a chocolate cigar tomorrow as I don't think they sell sweet cigarettes these days.

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to MichaelJH

Make that two..... I’ll pour the Whiskey’s 😁

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Ginger1971

Think you need to bring a large bottle of malt as I suspect quite a few will come along for a (chocolate) cigar! :)

Stivkinh profile image

I stopped about 12 years ago and rarely think about it now. I do know that I enjoyed it though, forget that I was feeding an addiction, I understand the biology, I really enjoyed it. If I could have anything I used to have it wouldn’t be a cigarette, it’d be a split finger donut, I miss them so much.

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to Stivkinh

Just laughed out loud and nearly spat my 2mg Freshmint Nicorette across the room 😂😂

Stivkinh profile image
Stivkinh in reply to Ginger1971

😂😂😂 that’s cos you know what I’m talking about lol.

Donkster profile image

Hi Ginger1971

Buy a pack waste money take one out screw it up put it in the bin there’s more sense in that than smoking one lol

Ginger1971 profile image
Ginger1971 in reply to Donkster

Same as a lot of things really.... 😉

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Ginger1971

The craving will pass the more you resist but it’s hard to begin with 26 years without one for me now good luck with giving up 👀

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