I’ve always loved my job, I work 5 days a week part time as a teaching assistant and have two very lively girls of my own aged 9 & 7.
Since my diagnosis of cardiomyopathy & my new meds I have found it increasingly hard to motivate myself with work, I am constantly tired and I use all the energy I have when I am there and I am fit for nothing after.
I was really tired before my diagnosis and it makes sense why now.
I get to Wednesday and i am physically drained and cone the weekend all I want to do is sleep or regain some energy.
My heart & head is telling me to get up and do stuff with my family but I am just too tired most of the time.
I really want to ask my manager if i could lower my days, so at least I have an extra day to recharge but I’m not sure if that a reasonable request? Only by one day.
I have worked sinced I was 16 in various lines of work so I have always had a good work ethic, but I’m struggling right now to keep up.
Does everyone else work?
Just wondering, as it is something I have been thinking about but don’t know where I stand.
Thanks in advance for reading x