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Mrvic profile image
24 Replies

I’m new to the forum, I found it online. I’m from Tennessee and had 4 stents about 2 months ago. I’m not having the same type of pain that took me to the doctor but more of a stabbing with a needle type pain. Is it normal to have this pain 2 months after the procedure? How long does it take for a stent to settle? Thanks for any help!

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Mrvic profile image
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24 Replies
Dhomewood profile image

Hi Mrvic

Welcome to the forum.

Sounds very familiar.

I had a stent fitted in September. Like yourself, these were very different to my angina pain. It took mine about 4 months to go completely.

If it’s prolonged pains though - best to get checked out.

All the best mate


Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to Dhomewood

Thanks! I’m glad to hear someone else with a similar experience. Funny to hear the word “mate” haha thanks again from Tennessee.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I would suggest a visit to your doctor. Whilst it is probably things settling people I know who have had stents have had things settle in a few weeks. There is another condition called microvascular angina that causes a longer lasting and sharper pain. Medication can help relieve symptoms.

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to MichaelJH

Thanks for replying! I will ask about this on my next follow up appointment.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to MichaelJH

Michael I am pleased to see that you highlighted Microvascular angina

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

If the follow up is weeks away I would suggest making an earlier appointment or putting in a telephone call.

Mrvic profile image

Good idea.

Marc68 profile image

I had the same sharp, stabbing pains for over a year after having stents, sometimes pretty severe. Unfortunately the GP's continually dismissed them but never gave me any indication of what they might be. I recently arranged an appointment with my cardiologist (first time I've ever met him in the 15 odd months since my heart attack!) who also dismissed them as being nothing to do with my heart... I know that they most definitely are but they won't listen. Fortunately they've subsided by themselves over the last few months and rarely happen now.

Not a very positive response for you, I know, but they should go away after a while.

Mrvic profile image

Thanks for replying! The nurses at cardiac rehab said it’s common and that it’s the nerves being affected after the procedure. Of course it’s easy for them to say! Dr said it could be the stents rubbing against pericardium. How long was it until you felt somewhat normal again?

Marc68 profile image
Marc68 in reply to Mrvic

There is some time that the stents need to settle, which is what I first thought my pains could be, but it took over a year for them to subside. 15 months on I now feel about 95% of my old self, which at one point I didn't think was a position I was ever going to get back to.

I just wish I knew what caused those pains in case there's something I could be doing to ensure they don't happen again. Not the best position to be in but I've resigned myself to the fact that no-one is going to investigate or give me an answer.

One thing the cardiologist said that I found interesting.. he said that if the pain isn't the same pain I had when having the heart attack, it isn't angina. Everyones angina is specific to them depending on the condition of their arteries, so angina pain should be very similar every time, ie, jaw ache, shoulder ache, arm pain etc. That was the reason he gave for saying the sharp pains weren't angina.

Mrvic profile image

Are most of you on the forum from Europe?

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Mrvic

Most people will be from the United Kingdom as it is a forum for the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to MichaelJH

Thanks! Just worked out for 40 minutes HR 135-140 no pain at all so I guess that’s a good sign. When I went in 2 months ago complaining of chest pain I was hurting and had to stop after 2 minutes. 99% blockage in LAD 90% in another. They put 3 stents in the LAD and 1 in another. Surgeon wanted to do something called a coronary endarterectomy bypass. My cardiologist advised against it so here I am. It’s been really good hearing other stories. My mother has quadruple bypass 15 years ago and she’s still going strong at 93 years old.

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to Mrvic

Does anyone have any idea about how they check and make sure your stents or bypass is okay over time? They told me I would let them know by how I felt which I didn’t think was a very solid answer. I mean are you supposed to fall out in the parking lot and say “oh by the way I don’t feel so good”?

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Mrvic

Hello again. I had something called a perfusion scan. They give a drug called adenosine to mimic the heart under stress. However I don’t think they do it routinely not here in the UK. It’s just that I kept getting chest pain post stent. I unfortunately had a reaction so don’t ever want to have another unless an emergency!! So the parking lot/car park situation is not a bad scenario! All joking aside you will probably know how you feel and if anything is becoming blocked yourself. Hope that helps. Take care. Zena

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to Zena166

Haha yes that helps! Thanks

Mrvic profile image

Thanks this is almost like traveling abroad without the jet lag lol !

not2worry profile image
not2worry in reply to Mrvic

Its a great group - we’re from California/Florida - got the Coasts covered!

Zena166 profile image

Hi. Welcome. Following a heart attack last June and stents fitted they think I developed something called Dressler’s syndrome which is an inflammatory response to heart damage and surgery. It took months to settle and in between times I couldn’t distinguish between what was normal/abnormal pain. Sometimes it was quite severe sometimes it made me breathless so I made the decision to either go to hospital or phone our urgent care number. I was told if in doubt then seek help. As Michael says it’s better to seek help sooner. Hope everything settles and your rehabilitation goes well. Take care. Zena

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to Zena166

Thanks for the encouragement : )

Jaycey profile image

It took me months before I really felt better post stents. Are you taking any medication for angina? That does help ease the symptoms.

Mrvic profile image
Mrvic in reply to Jaycey

Only taking a blood thinner, aspirin, and statin. They took me off of the beta blocker. Not really any typical chest pain just little needle pains occasionally.

Sparkeybigshot1 profile image

I’m in hospital at the moment for angina pain.

Had 2 stents fitted June last year, been suffering chest pain at rest and excursion. In and out of hospital several times throughout the year very frustrating. My cardiologist told me this morning it is the minute blood vessels which are too small to stent that could be causing the angina. He has put me on Nicorandil and Ranolazine. I hope these help, its been a long 11 months.

Anybody’s thoughts on these meds?


Da1n profile image

It's been 3 weeks now and l still feel pain after. I was admitted after emergency visit for observation..the cardiologist did a persantine stress test and and Echo- cardiogram...everything was well..but still having on and off pain

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