Please recommend good travel insurance when one has a heart condition
travel insurance: Please recommend good... - British Heart Fou...
travel insurance

Staysure. Also click on the link "Travel Insurance FAQ" to the top right.
Saga .
Hi I have used Staysure their web site is very user friendly unlike some who want to know everything their price was reasonable as my husband also has a medical condition so this had to be taken into consideration as well.
Hi Jacksanangel - we have some recommendations from BHF supporters, you can find more info here:
I recently contacted 42 companies for quotes, most refused to insure me at all because of my hypertropic cardiomyopathy & 2 leaky heart valves. Saga & Staysure would only insure me for single trip Europe (well over £300) Then I was told that if I was (or was married to) a woman over 55 I could pay £41 join a Women's Institute group & then join their group travel insurance policy for £195 for a year worldwide & they do not ask your medical conditons. They will insure everyone unless they have a terminal prognosis, or travelling against medical advice, or to get medical treatment abroad. So I joined last week & they have insured me. Good luck.
Hi - is that World Wide including the US and Canada? I have used Able to Travel since being diagnosed with heart disease and they have always been very good but I am 70 this year and I know that their premiums will increase.
Yes it's worldwide including USA & Canada. Max length per trip is 65 days. (Winter sports 17 days). I'll be 71 next week. They cover up to age 79. It's called Open Travel Insurance & you can see all details on their website. Have to pay fee by diect debit, annually.
Thanks very much - this looks exactly what we want. Great that the trip length is longish too as we have a caravan and like to go to Europe some years - we have been limited to 35 days previously. I'm so glad I saw your post. I'm off to join the WI right now.
Hope you like the WI group you're going to. And enjoy your travels. I'm still snowed up in N. Yorkshire
I live in Worcestershire and it's very snowy here too. All weekend plans have been cancelled. I am spoilt for choice with the groups - there are 3 to choose from.
North Yorkshire is great - we spent some time there in the autumn and had an excellent time.
I am still paying a group scheme since retiring 12 years ago and even though I am diabetic, have had a stroke and a bypass as long as I don’t travel under those 3 restrictions I too can still travel Worldwide. If Your information is correct I think a lot of people will be joining.
I expect so. Are you on the WI group insurance or a different company?
Happy travels.
I was a police officer and am part of their 'group scheme'. Their insurance covers the group not individuals hence only the 3 restrictions. I am just so glad I continued paying it after I retired. Mine covers until you're 70 and up to 60 days it also covers life insurance, car breakdown and a few other bits and pieces.
Hi Heather1957 - I hope you are keeping well. I too am looking at travel insurance and my brother in law ( who also has a heart condition) recommends the Civil Service Group Travel Scheme which may be similar to yours. Can I just ask what you mean by " as long as I don't travel under those 3 restrictions".....does that mean 3 of your conditions are not covered ?
Hi sorry to have taken so long to reply - have been back from Vegas from a week and am just so tired!! It was a great trip though.
There are 3 grounds in which my 'group scheme' insurance won't cover me. They are:
Travel against a doctors advice
Suffering from a fatal illness
Traveling to get medical treatment.
As long as none of these apply I am covered.
It really doesn't matter what ailment I have.
Oh hi Heather1957 I hope you had a brilliant time in Vegas and are now resting to recover....I imagine Vegas is quite hectic!
Thanks for answering my travel queary. Yes the Civil Service Travel Insurance Group Scheme has the same conditions as yours. 😀. I do need to get around to sorting it out. Do take care and keep well.

If a company does not ask about health conditions I would strongly urge you the read the smallest of small print as ignorance of the T's and C's will work in their favour.
The reason I say this is that I know someone who took out a over 50's life policy as advertised on TV and the weekend supplements. It turned out not to be quite as clear cut as first thought and they have cancelled and trying to claim back the initial premiums. You have been warned!
Also there was a case a few months ago where a Crowd Funding page had been started for a grandmother whose travel insurance did not cover what she thought it did.
Hello ,I’ve looked on the WI web site and there is nothing about group travel policy. Help please