Hello everyone. My name is Ruth and I'm 43 years old.
Before I begin, I must apologise in advance for this long post, but implore you to read on.
My family on my father's side are all afflicted with heart disease, and in the case of my grandparents, this proved fatal.
Two of my uncle's have had quadruple heart bypasses, another one has had stents, and my father suffered his first heart attack in 1985, has since suffered with angina and just last Thursday suffered another heart attack and was admitted to Papworth for an Angiogram with the expectation that he would either have stents or more invasive surgery. However he was discharged with the plan of managing his condition using only medication.
My Dad is a walking miracle if truth be told as he has a plethora of chronic conditions alongside the heart disease/failure and angina which include COPD, Asbestosis, pleural thickening (which have left him with severely impaired lung function), Asthma, rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, diverticulitis, hypertension, two knee replacements, and severe allergies to E102 and natural food colouring. This list is by no means exhaustive!
He is currently taking 15 different types of medications to manage his various conditions and Papworth have just added yet more, and I am extremely concerned about drug interactions and the damage this may do to his already poorly body.
Due to my Dad's lung issues and mobility problems, over the years, the weight has continued to creep on and he now weighs approximately 20 stone. Obviously he needs to lose weight, but he seems to be stuck in a vicious circle of being unable to be active due to pain, inflammation, breathlessness, chest pain and side effects of medications which affect his digestion and excaserbate existing conditions.
When he suffered the most recent heart attack, he was admitted to our local hospital initially, and when visiting him, I read his admission notes. There were a number of discrepancies in the information- for instance there were ticks on the "no" boxes for breathing difficulties, lung disease, mobility needs (able to stand from a sitting position without help), to name but a few.
When my Dad was admitted he had been administered 17.5mg of morphine over a 4 hour period and I assume these questions were answered by him at that time as neither my Mum nor i went with him to the hospital with him in the ambulance (at his request), but followed a little later on our own transport. I could not find a nurse with whom to discuss my concerns about the incorrect information on his notes, and had my young children with me at the time.
I intend to email the hospital to query this, as obviously these notes travelled with him to Papworth in the ambulance and again, he requested that myself and my Mum not accompany him at the time.
The staff at Papworth want him to begin excersising- which i fully agree with to an extent, but his other conditions are making this incredibly difficult. He is suffering chest pain and severe breathlessness from exertion on even just rising from his chair and getting to the toilet.
I don't feel that medication is the best route for him, and as I said earlier, the drug interactions are really giving me cause for concern.
I know it's a long shot - but has anyone else found themselves in a similar position as my Dad? I really am at a loss. I can't praise how lovely all the medical staff have been, but i am concerned that there may have been some oversights that may adversely affect my poor old Dad.
The photo I've attached is of his current medications and the ones with asterisks have been prescribed by Papworth.
Any advice would be appreciated.