Hello all. I am new to this website. Have just been told I need to go on statins due to a high cholesterol level. Have decided that I need to do this despite a few bad storys I have heard. The one prescribed is Atorvastatin. Does anybody else use this?
newboy to statins: Hello all. I am new... - British Heart Fou...
newboy to statins

Can you give more details please? I have never heard of a statin inhaler and could imagine the dose could be inconsistent. Is it, maybe, a GTN spray for angina?
Whoops I have just re read it...its a tablet not an inhaler!
Hi Tom,
I was on Atorvastin after surgery but it affected my liver so stopped, now seeing a liver specialist and also a cardiologist who has put me on an alternative. Just had another cholesterol test and seeing the liver guy on Thursday. For me it has been a balancing act but some people have no issues
Thanks for the response John. The nurse they will keep a close eye on it and can change if needed
Hi Tom I was put on Atorvastatin in July 2017 it took me a few weeks to get used to them but I am fine on them now.

I'm on them too, make sure your GP tests your liver function regularly. Side effects, aches in muscles and joints but overall ok
Hi Mark, talking of restless legs. How did you get on the other night? Did you manage to combat the usual issues????
Yes. I have a large dose of this every day and I've not had any particular issues with it. It does have some adverse side effects (read the patient info leaflet), but generally its well tolerated. You might get some sleep disturbance with it (restless leg can be an issue). You should get a followup lipids and LFT blood test a couple months after you start taking it to make sure its doing what it is supposed to and not doing anything you don't want (talk to your GP)
Hi Tom,
Welcome to the forum, great place to seek help.
I also take Atorvastatin not due to a high cholesterol level but to keep my cholesterol controlled. Being a runner i do get aches in muscles and joints but not sure i can 100% attribute that to Atorvastatin. To be honest if i could avoid it i would but at the mo its my best option. I am hoping to find some sort of natural remedy so i can keep my cholesterol within the parameters.
Hi there Tom, I've been on Avorstatin since having a double bypass four and half months ago..(along with other related medications)..and I did experience side effects..extreme belching and dizziness which continued throughout the night, sometimes until 4 or 5am, therefore preventing sleep for both me and my hubby, consequently my cardiac nurse reduced the strength by half which has proven successful for me. Before having the double bypass, which was an emergency surgical procedure and a great shock to me, my family, and friends I had never taken medications as I led a healthy lifestyle and was an holistic therapist advising folk on their lifestyle etc....I had several clients who were concerned about the 'bad press' statins were getting at the time because of the possible side effects, but as always we are individuals who react differently to medications and heal in our own way. Check out the leaflet that comes with the Avorstatin it may be of use to you. I'm finding this forum and the lovely folk here to be of immense help to me and i'm sure you will too.
was diagnosied with Angina 6-7 months ago then had a triple bypass 9 weeks ago been on Atorvastatin for the 7 months I may be fortunate but I have had no side effects, blood test last week and my cholesterol is down from 5 to 3.2 take one table in the evening with a beta blocker and aspirin in the morning side effect with beta blocker are cold hands and feet.
I take 40mg of Atorvastatin per day. No side effects. I did have horrid side effects using other statins. I have blood tests about every 6 months and so far, so good.
Hi Tom
I have taken atorvastatin for a couple of years now and had my dose raised to 80mg following my heart attack, I don’t seem to have any side affects.
Cheers Martin
Thanks very much all for your interest and for all these comments. I hadnt quite realised the possible extent of the issues with the liver so didnt mention this before. I also have NAFLD (non alchoholic fatty liver disease) so am going to ask the advice of the liver specialist. My cholesterol levels are:
Serum cholesterol level 5.62 mmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol level is 1.2 mmol/L
Total cholesterol HDL ratio 4.7
Soon I shall get the hang of spelling colestral!
Hi all. So thanks for all your comments. Have decided to get on and take the 20mg dose every day and so far so good...after a week I can report that the only side effect so far is slightly achy joints.