I currently take (in no particular order) Warfarin, Ramipril, Amitryptaline, mirtazapine, lithium, fultium-d3, Bispropol, chlorophine, paracetamol, pzitofen and Mebeverine. I have PTSD, chronic major depressive disorder, chronic uveitis, IBS and persistent AF. How on earth is it possible to determine what are symptoms of my conditions or side effects from the medication I take?
Medication / Side effects : I currently... - British Heart Fou...
Medication / Side effects

Hello Nicki, wow you have a lot of meds. Can cover a couple, ramipril, dry cough really irritating one. Bisoprolol, tiredness, fatigue possibly adds to depressive feelings.
Drug.com has run downs on most medication, tends to be factual as well
Take care
Thank you for your reply Mark.
I don't have a cough, dry or otherwise so that's OK.
I am always tired but considering the depression it would be hard to attribute this to any medication.
Medication side effects V illness symptoms are very much a chicken and egg dilemma.
...yes that is so right....med side effects V illness.....it is almost impossible to say which affects us most.
I do my best to deal with bipolar and as long as I stay even I will say I am an optimist.
I have considered the implications as to whether this has had the affect on my heart and occasionally research it, not sure what I am hoping to find though.......
but do believe that the meds or at the very least, one of them, is having some pull on how my lows come about.
it is an interesting topic.
Wow Nicki, that's a lot. Have you discussed coming off any of them with your Doctor? Is that something that could be an option eventually or are you on this stuff for life?
Hello nice to meet you. Only on a couple of meds that you are taking so can't really help. Just one question is your PTSD being treated separate to your other condition ??
Frank W
Hi Nicki,
At my local cardiac rehab centre a group of us were talking about how we were all suffering from a runny nose, so one of them went to enquire about the problem with the cardiac nurse.
She came over to us and asked if any of us was taking Ramipil, we were all taking it. She told us it was a side effect of the medication.