Heart Palpitations: Hello Everyone, I... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart Palpitations

NYCBorn profile image
12 Replies

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share what I have been dealing with lately and why I am so scared. Firstly I should share a little about myself. I am a 23 year old male who is really into weightlifting. By into it I mean like I take very good care of myself but meal prepping my foods and counting my calories while working out 5-6 days a week. This is a great hobby of mine cause I really enjoy it. I'm not sure if I'm into the bodybuilding stepping on stage kind but I do like going through cutting and bulking phases (I apologize if that doesn't make sense). Throughout my life I have never really been sick or gotten sick other than strep throat as a kid which was fairly common. I am a full-time student working part time right now. Im a student planning on going into the nursing program and eventually becoming a Nurse Practitioner.

The reason why I am posting this is for a little over a month now I been getting heart palpations that are just uncomfortable. Basically they all started when I used to sit in the bathroom and do my business but during it I would feel my heart basically beating out of my chest. That never really concerned me for some reason and I always shrugged it off like it was nothing. Then recently about two weeks ago I woke up to start my day and then later in the morning I was getting the heart palpations and then I started to get some weird minor chest pain and then weakness and fatigue all throughout my body. So that day I started freaking out more and more cause I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack. So my parents thought I was crazy and they were constantly yelling at me to quit overreacting cause they believe I am a hypochondriac. Well long story short with that day I went to the hospital cause I started feeling dizzy overtime I got up to walk. When I went to the hospital they took my blood to run a test to see if I was having a heart attack and they hooked me up to a EKG. The blood test came back normal and the EKG was normal according to the doctors the whole time I was there lying in the bed. I figured it was going to be normal cause my heart rate and heart palpitations are usually very minor or gone.

After the hospital I was still really nervous cause the palpitations were constantly there and it was depressing me so bad to the point that I literally sat in my room all day and rested cause I was so scared to go to the gym or do anything really. Just sitting in my room all day was really depressing me too and honestly I didn't know how to deal with it cause it felt like my life was sicken. So I decided to set up an appointment with my doctor who wanted to set me up with a Holter Monitor and wear it for 48 hours. So I did that and honestly while wearing it I still did my normal activities but I did workout while wearing it cause I wanted to do everything possible to see if anything was wrong with rhythm of the heart. After wearing it the doctor called me back two days ago and notified me that everything was fairly normal but he did ask me if I exercised with it on or not and I said yes sir. He then proceeded to tell me thats what he figured cause at times my heart rate really spiked but he didn't tell me if that was normal or not and I should of asked but I was not thinking at the time.

Out of this tests which came back normal I still get my constant heart palpitations which kind of depress me and make me feel not as joyful as I usually am. All my symptoms are usually the worse in the morning cause I am not as hungry as I usually am cause of the palpitations and feeling a little nausea's. I thought all this was due to caffeine but I haven't had coffee in over a month. I do not take any supplements other than fish oil and a multivitamin once a day. I'm at the point where I am terrified that something is wrong with my heart even though those tests where normal cause I never had heart palpitations like this ever. I know CHF and heart disease runs in the family along with diabetes and hypertension but I never had hypertension or diabetes. My grandpa which is my fathers dad did have heart surgery for a stent when he was like 60 something and was also diagnosed with A-Fib when he was 60 but other than that my father never had any issues with his heart. My grandma which is my fathers mother, her brother died last year of CHF. Other than that I am not sure if anything else in the family has been going on. I am just nervous about everything going on and I am not sure what to do.

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12 Replies

Has a doctor ever mentioned Ventricular Ectopic Beats to you? I've had them for decades and my cardiologist considers it's OK. It could be this is what you have if all your tests are normal. Ask your doctor

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to

Hello AnnieTlondon,

Firstly thank you kindly for replying to my forum post. My doctor actually have never mentioned Ventricular Ectopic Beats and after looking it up just a few moments ago I hope I do not have it cause according to the websites I have read they consider it a very dangerous condition and it can cause cardiac arrest. I'm not trying to scare you and I hope you don't take that the wrong way. My next cardiologist appointment is in two weeks so I will be sure to bring this up next visit. At the same time you would think something like Ventricular Ectopic Beats would of showed up on the Holter Monitor.

in reply to NYCBorn

Hi there - ventricular ectopics are just 'extra' heartbeats and most people will experience them. They're usually quite harmless and will show up on a holter monitor.

You may have got them confused with ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, both of which are life threatening heart rhythms

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to

Hello Chris_BHF,

Thank you you for clarifying this for me sir. I'm not sure what I read on google but there was a website that explained that Ectopic beats can be very dangerous and lead to cardiac arrest and thats just what made me nervous honestly but I am also grateful that you cleared this up for me. I did wear a Holter monitor for 48 hours and when the doctor called me he just notified me that everything looked normal other than the raised heart rate during workouts but I never actually saw the results.

I'm assuming since my holter monitor was normal than I should not really be worrying about my heart even if I workd out really hard with it on? Thanks sir.

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to

Disregard, this is what he wrote in my test results.

Resulted Orders

Holter monitor - 48 hour


The predominant rhythm shows sinus rhythm.

The patient had multiple episodes of sinus tachycardia during exercise.

No significant arrhythmias.

Sina-6491 profile image

You need to go back to you Gp with your concerns. But this time, take in notes of when, where & what you were doing at the time of you palpitations.

Is there something recently that could have upset or worried you.

The media news, strange dreams, Studies, work, social life etc.

Maybe look into anxiety, you would be suprise & shocked at who it can effect. Why it effects people out of the blue extra.

Food intolerance & diet can also be an issue.

Try not to worry, as that causes stress & anxiety & you will get to the bottom of this.

Keep us up dated & ask for advice. You are not alone ☺☺

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to Sina-6491

Hello Sina-6491,

Thank you so much for replying to my post. My next appointment is in two weeks with the cardiologist. Honestly the palpitations are very random. They usually occur when I have movement for example rolling in bed, walking to the bathroom to do my business, working out and so on.

Yes what happened was I was talking to my grandma about our family history cause I just like learning about that stuff and my grandma notified me that my grandpa was diagnosed with A-Fib after having heart surgery to get a stent put in when he was in his 60's He is 79 now turning 80 but he is Alzheimer's and we are not sure how long he has to live. He also suffered from mini strokes. So when I found out all that stuff from my grandma I got worried about me ending up needing open heart surgery one day.

My parents definitely think its anxiety and they always believe it is. They get so angry with me when they see me like this cause they feel like I am throwing away my life. They very well might be right about anxiety but at the same time its still scary. The one thing I refuse to do is to go on medication for it if it is anxiety cause I don't want that medication taking away my feelings, emotions and so forth. I seen friends turn into it emotionless humans while on the medication. Its sad really.

I will keep you up to date and everyone else. Thank you again.

mrblue12 profile image

Your post sounds a lot like my current situation. I'm a 27 years old, and I've been having heart palpitations a lot recently. I used to get them walking up the stairs sometimes, but recently they got worse. I would feel my heart beating in my chest while sitting down, after a meal, anything could set it off really.

I went to the doctors and I had a blood test and an EKG. The blood test showed I had high B12, but I had been taking B12 supplements as well as fish oil and multivitamins like you. The EKG was fine according to a doctor who gave me a preliminary reading. I need to go back for a follow up appointment at the end of the month.

I stopped talking my supplements when the heart palpitations started, and I must say they've been getting a lot better. I don't know of that is coincidental or not. I have been suffering from head rush a lot recently when I stand up. Have you had anything like that as well?

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to mrblue12

Hello Mrblue12,

Thank you for responding to my post,

Im glad someone can understand my concern but at the same relate to it as well. Im assuming with your chest palpations that is all you are getting? You are not receiving any other symptoms? Im pleased to hear that all your tests came back normal but I am also sad to hear that you are still struggling with this like I am. I wish I could say my supplements was helping me whether I took them or not but they haven't honestly. When I decided to stop taking them there was no change so I just stay on the safe side and keep taking my daily vitamins.

No sir I never really had the head rush feeling when standing up.

mrblue12 profile image
mrblue12 in reply to NYCBorn

I’ve been having palpitations, head rush, and occasional chest pain. My symptoms seeming to be getting better however.

NYCBorn profile image
NYCBorn in reply to mrblue12

I am glad your symptoms have been getting better sir.

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to mrblue12

Light headed, Mmmmm?

I think you should check you blood presure again, evan though they say there is no simptons for blood pressure, it's funny how when I feel light headed & dizzy, my blood pressure is playing up.

You can do that yourself in Gp surgery.

Just keep an eye on it & make notes. :)

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