I'm new here and I have never spoken about this since I live a sheltered life but I wanted to know how others cope with having Psoriasis Arthritis for a long period now?
Hello everyone!: I'm new here and I have... - Beyond Psoriasis
Hello everyone!
well done for posting. I am sure you will gt plenty of replies. Mine causes unmanageable pain during flares and really bad pain at all other times so i rely on lots of pain meds that the pain clinic cant find an alternative to and at the moment methotrexate and Leflunomide. this appears to have stopped the progression. I am now medically retired so don't do much but with a young family so it is thoroughly demoralising but I get my new wheelchair I saved up for very soon so something to look forward to. I also have brain damage from multiple small strokes over the years so thank goodness for spell check as my writing is terrible now as well.
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear that. Aside from having PA I also have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia which means I have two autoimmune diseases and the risk of getting a stroke or heart attack is my biggest fear as if avoiding infections, managing pains and fatigue wouldn't be enough to worry about. So I get anxious and I can't sleep. I can't walk either or only with extreme difficulties but since I never leave the house, I couldn't be bothered to get mobile assistance. Life looks bleak.
Psoriatic Arthritis (PSA) I deal with it by injecting biologics from my rheumatologist but I still struggle on the daily with this monster living inside me.
I see you are from the US. No injections in the UK as far as I am aware. 😟

Oh thats intetesting

I`m from Scotland inject myself every week with methotrexate
Don't they have tablets in Scotland? I'm only joking. I wasn't aware that patients inject themselves which makes me question how you are being monitored regularly.
sorry to jump in - I have just been given injections that I'm about to start. I was also given stomach protecto tablets (diclofenac) - I'm wondering why as the methotraxate does not go via the stomach? They also gave me a glutathion, milk thistle and vitamin E supplement as well as folic acid. You?
I have PSA and JIA, I deal with it by injecting biologics from rheumatologist. But they make my life so hard, everyday I woke up with pain and going sleep with pain.