Hi this is my first post on this forum I had bad psoriasis until I got a heart transplant last year and it cleared up totally it was brilliant and I really thought because of the immusupprestants it would stay away, how wrong I was after stopping the steroids it's back with a vengeance totally gutted, I am waiting for an appointment with a dermatologist and hoping there might be better treatment for it char
It's back : Hi this is my first post on... - Beyond Psoriasis
It's back

Sorry to hear it's back, I've had psoriasis most of my life, was so bad at one point that I was admitted to hospital while they decided what to do, after a couple of months in hospital I was put on biologic injections, took a few months to find the right one for me but I've been on the same one for the last 15 years, psoriasis almost completely gone, total game changer for me, what treatment are you on, although psoriatic arthritis is still bad, but skin clear.
Hi that sounds a lot worse than mine, at the moment I am not on any treatment, I am waiting to see the dermatologist but unfortunately the letter arrived after the date of my appointment so I missed it, I am really angry about it, waiting on a new one now I hope it's not too long, we will see 🙄I think I have tried most lotions and potions over the years, light treatment as well but they only seem to work for so long and it just came back, it was lovely when it was away, I hope when I eventually get to the hospital they will be able to prescribe something that will help char
I found that the lotions made mine worse, I also had 2 lifetime's of the puva light treatment, unfortunately you have to fail on everything else before they will give you the biological treatment, but worth mentioning it when you have your next appointment, it gave me my life back.
The lights were awful, very time consuming and didn't work! I will definitely mention that when I eventually get an appointment, I hadn't heard about it, I would just love to be free of it forever char
Goole biologic therapy for psoriasis, when I started on them there was one but lots more available now. Some are via infusion other's and injections, I do my own every 12 weeks, the injections are delivered directly to your home. Infusions in the hospital, takes a couple of hours and you're normally recommend to not work for the rest of the day, and normally sleep like a baby that night.
I hate this disease it sucks the life right out of you… maybe you can try otezla.
Thanks for your reply, I am just gutted that it's back I really thought the immusupprestants would have kept it away, how wrong was I char
Biologics and lotions never actually get rid of your psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis it just gives you a temporary bandaid and it holds until it doesn’t.
The one thing I learnt the hard way with biologics is you CAN NOT stop them abruptly and you should be slowly weaned off and this could take months to accomplish … however dermatologist and Regular doctors have no understanding of this concept this is the very reason I have been fighting a 5 years battle with PSA after being taken off Stelara before having thyroidectomy.
Hi thanks for the information, I will make sure I discuss all treatment in full when I get to see a dermatologist, are they steroids? Is that why you have to come off them gradually char