Hi....I have very mild psoriasis that started about 10 yrs ago and then came the unexplained thoracic pain and stiffness which then progressed to migrating asymmetrical hip bursitis, Achilles tendonitis, and a finger or toe hurting here and there. One day I feel fine and my spine doesn't hurt or anywhere else then another day I wake up and can hardly get out of bed. I have noticed that right before a flare comes on I become Very fatigued and anxious. The next day I am in full blown flare and feel like I have the flu. Makes me feel depressed as well. Does anyone else experience the anxiety and overwhelming fatigue, depression?
Newbie: Hi....I have very mild psoriasis... - Beyond Psoriasis

Sorry to hear your suffering, have you been referred to a rheumatologist for suspected Psoriatic Arthritis? I have this and have very similar symptoms as yourself.
I have Psoriatic arthritis with no real skin involvement.
A lot of your symptoms sound like PsA and I hope you are seeing a rheumatologist to get started on appropriate medication in order to slow the progress of the condition.
Hope you get sorted soon.
Best wishes
Im going through a period of flares at the moment, i understand how hard they can be to get through with fatique and feeling like you have the flu.
When im in the mist of the flare, its awful, i cant do anything but feel sorry for myself. Then when i come out of it im shattered and waiting for the temperature and shivers to tell me the next ones on the way.
I think depression when we are down and in pain is inevitable.
Dont be too hard on yourself.
Hope you are getting some treatment.
The fatigue was the worst for me..i was always asleep..then my rheumatologist told me to take a folic acid everyday and that really helps..xxx
Hello Darlefev
How are you now? I think Sanbanan may be onto something: have you and your doctor considered Psoriatic Arthritis? I'm a member on HU, and I think you'd like the other forum that I am on: livingwithpsoriaticarthritis.org
We have several UK members who will have lots of local knowledge to share with you. We're a friendly bunch, and we'd love to have you join us!