Having a bit of a flare (swollen painful hands, low deep shoulder pain ) and slowly the symptoms I hoped had gone are creeping back, hip pain and one of my most hated, burning feet.
Burning throbbing so badly I wake up and look at them expecting them to be huge and bright red, but apart from some fluidy swellings on top of my foot at base of toes they look normal. Back to not sleeping.
Got an appt at new GP on Monday, rheum in February. On mtx 17.5 weekly and Hydroxychloroquine 400 daily
I think Hydroxychloroquine is making my skin very white so even when my joints are bad they only look swollen not hot. Most folk on here won't be on Hydroxychloroquine as its not used much in PsA as it can worsen or trigger psoriasis. I don't have psoriasis, just family history, and as Rheumatoid factor neg and DIP joints affected I'm treated as PsA for now. I was put on Hydroxychloroquine during a period when I was suspected MCTD, was a bit worried when they went back to PsA but I've been on it since September and no psoriasis ane its made a big difference to my fatigue and concentration, and until last two weeks, my joints.
But what can i do about these feet?? Why do they burn like this? ?