My boyfriend thinks I should talk to my dad about my eating disorder, I don’t think i can talk to my dad about it because it feels like my dad get angry with me when I say how I feel about my body. There are various mirrors around my house and bedroom, and I usually try to avoid catching my reflection in them. Just kind of lost at this point. My eating disorder feels like it getting in the way of having a healthy relationship with my boyfriend and other people in my center circle.
Eating Disorder : My boyfriend thinks I... - Beyond Body Size
Eating Disorder
Hello Annie
Life has its hurtles and an eating disorder is common. Your not alone with that battle.
I would # 1. Be you and be happy with yourself mentally and things will fall into place.
2. Yes tell your father or your guidance counselor at school, you need to trust that they will guide you in the right direction.
Personally I would let your father know for sure. Ask him to take you to a therapist if needed.
Best wishes John
You should talk to you dad. What you should not do is talk about hating your body, your dad wont understand that but what he will understand is that your eating disorder is keeping his daughter from living a healthy, normal life and he will understand you have struggles in life and use an outlet such as this as a coping mechanism.
What he then needs to do is help get you into Eating Disorder Treatment. There they have all the tools and resources to help you in many aspects. One being, body dysmorphia, two being the relationship you have with food and three help you manage and find coping strategies.
Eating disorders affect more than just relationships, it keeps you from living any type of normal life. You can work to get out of the cycle you are in. Talk to your dad.