New Scooter has arrived: Hi everyone Took... - Behçet's UK

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New Scooter has arrived

lesleyg profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone

Took possession of my new Luggie Monday. Very nippy little thing. Mum, Dad and I went out for lunch yesterday (funny thing was we got Dad to use it first). It’s great to fold up and put in the boot compared to his shop rider. It is a bit heavy for one person but definitely manageable for me at the moment.

Now I have to own up that the photo you usually see is a good 10 year’s old. This is my face and body after three years of very aggressive treatment (although I was always pretty solid). Am now down to 15mgs prednisone, will find out in the next couple of weeks what the next course of treatment will be.



PS If the picture doesn't come up I'll have to see what is wrong - had problems a few weeks ago

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lesleyg profile image
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20 Replies
Steamboat profile image

Hi Lesley, what a neat looking little scooter.

Very impressive rider I must say


lesleyg profile image

Just as well it's built to take a bit of weight.

Also, it is a bit frightening how quick it is even on the lowest setting!


devonshiredumpling profile image

How lovely to see you! You look exactly like the person I've been writing to in my head.

The scooter looks a bit nippy but I'm more excited about seeing you!


lesleyg profile image

Have to be honest and say that I have been a bit embarrassed about my 'plumpness'.

I've always struggled with my weight.

I was born a fat baby and went through childhood with everyone telling me I would grow out of it. Even when I'm sick I don't lose anything.

I know there are a lot worse things in life so will stop whinging.

(On a very sad note a friend/work colleague rang me today to say that she has been given 6-12 months to live - this is a person who has battled illness since childhood so my comments about weight gain are a bit crass).


xandii profile image

Oh how fabulous Lesley hun !

The luggie looks to have been the perfect choice for you and you look lovely on it and it looks like a good match for your size of body ratio to scooter and fits you so well.

Talking about size sweetie...... I can really assure you that you look solid and well built but in no way could I describe you as fat ! The way you see yourself will always be different as the years go on and everyone puts on a bit more padding especially with something like BD. are certainly not in the oompah loompah stakes like me. LOL. :)

Shall we settle on well built and slightly cuddly......... just right for a lady of your age I would say ! Who wants to be thin and bony as you get older anyway !!

I hope you really enjoy your newly found freedom and whizz about everywhere hun !

Smashing to see and a lovely photo to boot. :)

tootles xx

lesleyg profile image

Thanks everyone - I'm already feeling better (and yes I have often been described as cuddly).

One more whinge and then weight won't be mentioned again:

I have a beautiful set of 'Hawaiian Blue Pearls' which were a bit of my trademark (you can see them in the picture that comes up with any comments I post).

Anyway they definitely accentuate the double chin - and almost strangle me. Anyone have any suggestions for redesigning them?


bailey23 profile image

Hi Lesley

What a lovely photo and believe me after 3 years of streoids and putting on 4 stone in weight, I think we are all 'cuddly'. You look very relaxed on your new scooter and I hope you have many a time whistleing down the street with the wind in your hair!!!




Michja profile image

Hi Lesley,

You look comfortable & extremely chuffed with your new V8. Well done, anything to make life easier.

I must say, Jaida is having a tough time & I had to rent a wheelchair from RCH today. She had an ophthalmology appointment today, which went Ok no better but no worse. So I'm happy with that. When it was time to leave I carried Jaida to her seat in the car then had a massive battle getting the wheelchair in the boot of my little car. I think it made it by 1cm. Ha.

All the Rhumatologists were at a conference so we had to go through emergency. The doctors discussed by phone and after finally getting Jaida down to 15mls of steroids, we were put back up to 25mls. I'm sure her joints will calm down soon but the wheelchair will be helpful for my back.

Love Michelle

lesleyg profile image
lesleyg in reply to Michja

Hi Michelle everyone seems to think scooters are more manageable - do they have ones for children? Also, be very careful of you back - as you have mentioned,


lesleyg profile image

Thanks Angela - it is so fast I will have to be careful!

BTW - the pearls I mentioned above are Tahitian Blue (not Hawaiian) - worth a fortune but I got them at the Victorian Markets in Melbourne for about a fifth of the price (have had them valued and they are genuine). I love pearls and have been slowly getting a nice collection.

goodlife profile image

Oh Lesley, I am about the same size as you!

I think you look fabulous my friend.

I feel terrible and selfish but I really want one.

I'm a little worried about lifting it in and out the boot of the car as my arms can be very weak. I will look at the spec and practice lifting a sports bag of the same weight :-)

I'm so very pleased to see you getting out and about xx

goodlife profile image

I am sorry I wrote this post first thing this morning and was unable to post it until late in the day.

So I missed your post about your friend....I am so very sorry.

I have a friend who is also very ill and although it does make one appreciate the preciousness of life itself...its torturous to watch a friend go through this, so wishing you both peace.

As for the pearls I have some on my wish list to treat myself on our "world tour"

Lots of love Jill x

lesleyg profile image

Hi Jill and everyone

We have already been stopped on our first day out with the Luggie and are going to the shopping mall for the first time this morning so I dare say a few more people will be looking at it.

Have a look on YouTube about the way it folds up. It does weigh about 23kg, but the idea is most of the time it would be put into the car in the extended position (makes sense if you see it). Mum and I put the front wheels up and then push the back in (we have a hatchback). I particularly wanted something I could do myself - which I can with this one.

(In one of the videos the girl looks like she could be in the Olympics she is so fit! They could have had someone our size and state of health).


MrsVMac profile image

Hi Lesley

Both you and the scooter look good and its amazing that its so portable.

I was thinking the other day of how much harder it must've been for people suffering illness and disability last century and often wonder how they managed during their lifetime. We are fortunate that inventors have devised such great gadgets to make our lives easier.

My favourite gadget is the rubber twister that opens jars for me.

Take care and glad to hear that you had a nice lunch out with your Folks.



SuenMike profile image

Hi Lesley,

I think the photo is fabulous. I see a lovely smiley lady, and certainly not a fat one.

I have been struggling with weight too. It is because I am so vain I don't want to look like Mrs Michelin in my wedding photos, but although I have shifted some weight, I am certain it will go back on afterwards.

Mike has a saying that it is the letter and not the envelope which is important.

Have a great time with your scooter. I wouldn't be without mine!

Love, Suzanne xx

lesleyg profile image

Thanks everyone!

Yes I'm afraid the weight (and scooter) are here to stay.

Thanks for the comments about my friend. She is very matter of fact - this has been coming for a long time so in some ways I think she has already accepted it.



MrsBeau profile image

Hi Lesley,

What a lovely gadget. The mobility aids I see around here are nowhere near as portable or small. Very happy for you!

Weight gain is a fact of normal life, let alone those who take steroids.

You look great considering the steroids you take.


lesleyg profile image

Apparently there aren't many of these sold in Australia yet - I did a lot of research before I bought it as it was twice the price of some of the shop rider scooters.

I must be pretty vain - wouldn't put the first few photos up and demanded a reshoot!

As someone else pointed out a lot of other 55 year olds are about this weight - one thing I am proud of is I have only gone up 3kgs since starting treatment.


Sunset profile image

hello lesleyg;

Scooter photography is really nice, always so cheerful and happy to see all the four cases only wish friends. I was carrying this responsibility, only wish to perform in a short time.

To discuss

lesleyg profile image

Thanks Sunset!

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