Hi all, it's great reading this forum listening to other people's experiences- finally people who understand! It all started 10 years ago when I had a circular lesions appear on various places of the body. They took a biopsy which led me to the diagnosis of discoid eczema- I soon found out that was absolute rubbish. Unfortunately soon after I started having seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy. So I commenced treatment on lamotrigine which has finally stopped the seizures. After this I have had reoccurring outbreaks involving a skin rash including ulcers in my mouth, genitals, identical areas on my hand and up my nose. I get severe pain behind my eyes and infront which ultimately makes it extremely difficult to even look at the light let alone see straight. This then follows with a severe headache, vomiting and generally feeling very poorly to the point of being in bed all week and being supported to go to the toilet and have a bath!. I have just recovered from a very recent outbreak which has now progressed into deep aching in my joints particularly knees, ankles and hips as well as the usual suspect symptoms.
The doctors tried to tell me that none of it was linked, however I have these outbreaks at least twice a year with all of these symptoms which have gradually got worse over the years. They also happen more or less the same time every year is this common for Behçet's? I was referred to my neurologist straight away who said within 2 minutes he is sure it's Behçet's syndrome. So my next outbreak I had a puncture biopsy to look for Behçet's which came back negative! I had another 2 years of these flare ups till I paid private to see a dermatologist. She made me go for my forth sexual health screening to rule out herpes because of the genital ulcers- AGAIN negative! Everybody has ignored the fact that all the symptoms in my case come together and various people are only focussing on one thing at a time. I am absolutely sick of this now and if it is Behçet's I would actually be happy to get a diagnosis so I can start some treatment. It really is taking over my life and because of many people's little understanding of it, it's very hard to explain how you feel poorly and why it's happening. I have now been referred to a dermatologist who refused to see me because she said I need a rheumatology appointment first due to being systemically unwell as well as the skin rash.
I am looking for information on how you all got diagnosed? Also if any of you experience similar symptoms to me how do you suppress them from being so severe? I am really grateful to anyone who reads my post and responds. Sorry it's so long, just for my first time posting I needed to give the full detail of what's been going on. Thank you. Jenny xx