Hello everyone,
I'm new to this site. I have read a few posts and you all sound like a lovely helpful bunch of people so i'd like to give you a little background on me.
I've not had a confirmed diagnosis yet, was told by my specialist on my last visit 2 weeks ago that its looking 'more likely' that i do have BD. All the other similar diseases have now been ruled out. I've been attending the Liverpool centre of excellence for about 9 months.
I have suffered chronic mouth ulcers for about 20 years, genital ulcers for last 5 years, nasty daily migraines for over 12 months, but got referred to Liverpool when i started with arthritis, also just started getting acne mainly on chest and shoulders, (I'm 40) never even had a spot as a teenager. To add to this list i have a stomach ulcer.
The question I have is that for the last few days i have been suffering from terrible stomach pains and diahorrea. My whole tummy area is very tender to touch and when i eat it really cramps up. I was wondering if this was possibly another symptom of Behcets?. You can imagine i'm pretty down and drained at the moment