can you claim disability living allowance with... - Behçet's UK

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can you claim disability living allowance with bechets disease.

honie03 profile image
25 Replies
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honie03 profile image
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25 Replies
andreafm profile image

Hi there honie03

Yes you can claim DLA with any condition because it is the way the condition affects you and not the name of the condition.

Have you looked at the Behcets Society link for help with benefits?

If not here is the link to info they show

The Behcets Society can download help documents if you email them on

Things are more complicated now and a lot of people seek advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau or Social Services who will help you fill the forms out, if you have contact with them.

Hope this helps and good luck


honie03 profile image
honie03 in reply to andreafm

Hi Andrea thank you for the information you gave me this does help me alot as i do not know any one who has BD. THANKS.

babya73 profile image
babya73 in reply to andreafm

I just received a letter from Disability. Stating. They have not received hosp. Documents from 2 hosp. That I have 10 days to get them, or they will make Decision Without them. I filled all the information out that my lawyer had sent me. Now shld I send him with the forms he sent me send the letter disability had just sent me? Let them make a decision because then lawyer can help appeal this decision if ,& I am sure it's going to be a denial because this is my first time appling on Dec. 22nd. 2015. Right? I appreciate anyone's suggestions. Thank you, & as always God Bless!!!

andreafm profile image
andreafm in reply to babya73

If you have copies of your hospital reports you could send them with a covering letter to the DWP otherwise you will need your lawyer to request more time to obtain thet is important that they have any documents from your doctors as they will just assess it without them and this might weaken your case.

Speak to your lawyer urgently to see where you go from here.

I personally get a copy of all reports etc so i have a medical file of my own. Especially if going to different hospitals as unfortunately they hardly ever talk to eachother or have the information on eachothers files.

Denise-- profile image

Hey, I tried but failed :( I am in Ireland so maybe it's different....

My doctor wasn't a great help though. I just have to look for work that isn't too stressful (I used to waitress!)

Hope you get somewhere with it,

From a broke Irish girl! :)

andreafm profile image

Hi denise and honie

I'm not sure if ireland is any different or not, but you can appeal if you are not happy with the decision.

DLA can be claimed even if you can work and it is ESA [Employment Support Allowance] if you cannot work. You can be in receipt of both of them at the same time.

I have Neurobehcets with lots of difficult symptoms, have very poor mobility and need help at home.

I keep copies of all my doctors/specialists reports and test results etc and make sure they get a copy sent with my application form....Also make sure you tell your story and personal difficulties in the blank page for extra info.....I type it out and staple it in the form on the right place.

This is really important to do this as otherwise they just rely on your form and G.P's report, which isn't always that helpful because it is mostly just tick boxes.


Denise-- profile image

It's hilarious because early in the week I was conplaining about not being able to walk on my ankle and the doctor said 'Oh so you've been getting the arthritis really bad'.

Then later on in the week when we were discussing disability he said 'I mean it's not like you have anything serious like arthritis'.

I give up! I'm just on normal social welfare but gathering a LOT of debt from doctors appointments to do bloods etc. and hospital bills...eep!!

toothfairy profile image
toothfairy in reply to Denise--

I had that comment on arthritis this year from a consultant rheumatologist!

andreafm profile image
andreafm in reply to toothfairy

denise and toothfairy

I think it would do some of these doctors a lot of good, to read the postings on this forum. They would never compare it to arthritis again and as for the consultant rhematologist, they should know better.


sammarriott profile image
sammarriott in reply to Denise--

hi densie

i got refused apparently im not poory enough what gets me is that the people who assess you are not medically qualified so how the hell can they determine your ill ???? and yer its no laughing matter im in the same situation as you big hugs

rant over lol

tamirra profile image

my daughter gets it but we did have to appeal to get it. x

babya73 profile image
babya73 in reply to tamirra

Tamirra. I applied Dec 2nd 2015. I have a lawyer who said. He wld take my disability case. Now I just filled all his forms out. Today in mail I just received a letter from disabilty stating they were unable to get hosp. Records from 2 hosp. If I don't get them within 10 days they will make Decision Without them. Now shld I just mail this letter with all the forms I received from lawyer ,& now let him handle this from here ? Sincerely, Ann Marie Gonzalez =/ GOD Bless you, & your family!!!

vikkilouise profile image

Nearly everyone gets turned down, if you do you must appeal even if it means going to tribunal. A lot of people who get turned down at first win their appeal.

There's lots of guides to help you, things have changed slightly but it used to be you qualified for lower care if you were unable to cook a meal for yourself (including chopping, lifting pans, memory so not forgetting the stove is on etc), middle care if you need significant help in the day or night (night time each 'help' has to be over 20 mins) and higher if you need that care both day and night.

There's also mobility payment too.

I've been on Dla for about 12 years, my biggest advice is get a proffesional to help, they know the buzz words, key things and how to explain fluctuating conditions. Put in loads of evidence, the more copies of doctors letters, test results, hospital stays or anything will really help.

Good luck!

babya73 profile image
babya73 in reply to vikkilouise

I'm sorry. Professional. Meaning. Lawyer right?

lizzykarma profile image

Im waiting for the forms.

At the conference they sed the social workers at the centre of excellence can help with this sort of things, liverpool doesnt have a social worker at the moment, so i am going to go to the CAB for help in filling in mine. I have neuro symptoms but rem when your filling it in to fill it in on ur worst day case scenario. for example im back in my wheelchair du to arthritis, need help getting off the toielt, in and out the shower, cant lift pans, the fatigue and pain is debilitating. yet tommorrow and fingers crossed, i may just be tired with moderate pain (unfo i dnt seem to have a day without pain).

it does fluctulate, be as honest as poss, but emphasise your difficulities, print out the behcet fact sheets.

and il let you know how i get on lol x

Bear in mind everyone that DLA is being phased out from next April -

Even people who have life time or indefinte awards will be assessed. Moving the goalposts once more :-(

Indefinite, not indefinte. Tired fingers from typing the blog!

devonshiredumpling profile image

I just read the Society's DLA help sheet today because today is a day when I am needing a lot of support. I didn't think I would qualify at all but looking at the 'buzz word' conditions I fulfil a fair few of them. If it's anything like the NHS retirement on the grounds of ill health procedure, you always get turned down on your first application. Perhaps they do this because they know many people won't pursue it, which is very unfair on those who are already having a hard time of it.

I was thinking I didn't have major mobility problems - I'm not in a wheelchair for instance. Then it occurred to me that I'm practically housebound! I realise that doesn't fulfil the DoH requirements but it was just a moment of realisation.

As it is, what with the system changing soon, I'm not going to bother applying.

devonshiredumpling profile image

You shouldn't be working - I know you have to but I also know how difficult that can be.

I was always off sick and I felt quite embarrassed about it because I hadn't been diagnosed. What made it worse was that my boss, who had responsibility for all the midwives in North Devon, was an ogre with sick time and put in this system so that whenever anybody was off sick, no matter for how short a time, they had to have a return to work interview with their line manager. I had 60 midwives reporting to me and so I had to do their interviews and 'come down hard' on repeat offenders. Well, as you can imagine, that went down like a lead fart!

Even when I was diagnosed many of my staff gave me short shrift because of the invisibility of the illness - although my boss was actually very supportive. Tough horrid times.

swb1 profile image

Hi Honie03, What area are you in? I'm Janine the Birmingham Centre of Excellence support worker. There will be two other support workers employed soon in Liverpool and London. Part of my role is to help with benefits advice and I will be running benefits advice drop ins very soon.

Useful Links

Behçets Syndrome Society DLA tips:

Directgov DLA rates and how to claim:

Disability rights UK DLA Factsheet:

Disability Law service guide to filling out a DLA form:

Please feel free to PM any queries and I'll see if I can help


honie03 profile image
honie03 in reply to swb1

Hi Janine honie 03 here. i live in wiltshire , im also close to the Bath area. is there a centre of Excellence near here maybe Bristol.

swb1 profile image

Hi again honie,

There are 3 Centres of Excellence located in Birmingham, London and Liverpool. You can be referred to any of the 3 centres by your GP or Consultant. Unfortunatley there isnt a Centre in Bristol and London may be the closest centre? I believe you may be able to claim travel costs if attending a clinic at one of the centres and i know that London has overnight accomodation available close to the hospital for a cost of £10 per night so you wouldnt have to travel there and back in the same day following the journey.

I am currently the only Support Worker in post so far but recruitment is in process for Liverpool and London. Once appointed they will also be able to provide assistance with benefit queries. I realise its a distance for you to travel to recieve that sort of support unless you were attending a clinic at one of the centres.

My advice in the meantime would be to use the information and guidance included on the Societys website regarding DLA applications and if possible to print some of it off along with the fact sheets regarding BD and make an appointment at your local CAB for support with completing the forms.

Im sorry I cant be of more help, if you need any further information please get in touch


honie03 profile image
honie03 in reply to swb1

Thanks janine from Honie03.

stocked profile image

I had a doctors note for my disability .I had a case where I had everything.sores high temp diarrhea vomiting and hemorrgin knees drained and injected and I got so bad I could hardly walk sit or lay that they had to inject my back too.guess what my drs note disappears from the cra

All my medical records disappear and I am stocked all the time.I guess that happens when your ex goes to a law firm that has a minister of justice in charge of commissionaire's .I've also had queens bench recordings tampered with.bill Johnson homeland security is contracted out to do the tampering

babya73 profile image

I applied for disability on Dec 22 2015. I was working 5 days then 4 days now I am down to 3 days. I get excruciating intolerable ulcers in my mouth throat tongue vaginal , & inflamed ulcers in lower part of my stomach that look like little balloons. I am also seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed my meds for depression , & anxiety. I get fevers head burning up but body freezing. Disability sent me to big brown envelopes to fill out saying they need more info to make a dicision. I heard they would approve someone with mental disabilities than a person with physical disabilities. Why? Because they feel there's a job for anyone no matter what pain , & physical issues we have. But a person with mental disabilities who would want to hire someone with mental issues? Apply fill out what ever you need to ,& turn in within the time they want it back. If they deny you. Do not give up! Get a lawyer who will help get what you don't want but need!!! This is what I am planning on doing. If you feel discouraged. I will be there for you , if you would be there for me. Pray! You do your part ,& God will do his. Do not let the paper work , or processing time discourage you! You deserve to live a less stressful life!!!

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