Would you agree that working full time causes relapses?
Any advice and or thoughts gratefully received.
Would you agree that working full time causes relapses?
Any advice and or thoughts gratefully received.
Depends on how hard its hitting you. My Rhuma said most of his behcets patients just take colchine and get blood work once a year to see him. Were as I am in the HP every other week it seems.
I cant walk around the block without having to lay down for hours. Working at any point right now will be impossible for me.
I’m with RayRay. It depends where you’re at in Disease. I worked for years no issues. Now, in my forties, neurological and arthritis flares, blood clots are keeping me in a constant state of hospital, doctor, recovery. But I do really believe with the right treatment early on, this thing can be a bump in the road for some. It just depends on the person.
I work very part time because I feel ill so much of the time. Even then, I still get relapses. I think my employers are getting fed up with it.
Thanks everyone. Working in sales is possibly the worst thing I could be doing. Full time, full on and a busy home life which I wouldn’t change for the world.
I’ve learned stress (even “good” stress), lack of sleep and not being careful with diet can trigger flares. Working full time simply creates more opportunities for these factors so its a tricky line to walk...agree it all depends on the person- your body will tell you if/when it becomes too much. Even if you don’t work at all, you’ll still experience ups and downs. Just hopefully less frequent and less severe. My ultimate goal is to manage with as little meds as possible but if you tolerate the treatments well and have few side effects you might be lucky enough to keep on going full speed ahead. Long term use of the autoimmune suppressant drugs and steroids have their own set of consequences to consider though. Good luck!
Behcets is a spectrum illness so some people are affected a lot and others not so much so it’s hard to compare. You have to do what’s best for you and your situation. It’s hard but I found that I could work full time but couldn’t do it now. Also flares come and go so I would have few good years , although still feeling unwell, and then be v Ill.
Thanks all for your kind replies.
I have since taken 2 weeks off work, which went down like a lead balloon but proved my feelings to be right. It’s the workloads and unreasonable demands that have made me flare.
Hopefully this should get me back on a level ish playing field to go back reset and with some resliance.
Thanks everyone!
Hi, I’ve always worked full time but I struggle to do so. I’m currently considering dropping my hours. I would say anything you can do to allow you to share your now limited energy, e.g working at home, part time etc to help balance the demands will help. Dependent on where you are in the world, utilise any occupational health advisors or in the U.K., access to work, to assist you and keep your medical details private. Hope that helps, best wishes