Has anyone else had there benefit stopped and been told to look for work?
I had my incapacity benefit stopped. I have be... - Behçet's UK
I had my incapacity benefit stopped. I have been diagnosed as having Behcet's, Fibromyalgia and arthritis.

My illness is affecting my mobility and other senses so I couldn't work. It looks to me that you need to get the help of welfare rights officer and suggest you see your local council offices for thus advice.
Agree with Jazzy not sure where you live but get hold of the citizens advice bureau and while you are waiting for an appointment ask the benefits office for an appeal form as you have 30days ?? (Not totally sure on time) to put an appeal in against the decision. They will help you fill in the form and hope and fingers crossed the decision can be reversed. Also a good idea to get a letter from GP to send in with it. Good luck weddon't need the extra stress
Hi yes this happened to me many years ago. My first application for benefits was refused and I had to appeal which I was granted for 3 years. I then had to reapply and had to go to appeal yet again with the same outcome. Then it seems laws changed and I was invited for an interview for help to find work. I attended and stood my corner explaining that there was nothing more I would like to be able to do than be rid of my illness and work. I explained the complexities of BD (which was even more rare back then nobody knew anything about it) and agreed that if they could find me work for upto 5 hours a day....I had 3 young children, my husband and I had parted as he couldn't handle my illness......and I could have anything between 1 week and 6 months time off when I had a flare, and nothing too physical and not frontline as when I have ulcers on my lips and nose it doesn't look good......then I would definitely take the job.
I never heard from them again. When my benefits were up for renewal again and I still had to appeal I just didn't have the strength so I have never bothered since.
You have to fight for your rights and it seems it also a postcode lottery as even now I know many people with lesser disease who seem to be able to get everything. Now at 62 years, with degenerative Spondylitis Cervical and Lumber, left ankle arthritis due to a bad accident some years ago, and my BD which over the last few years is worsening...... I still can't get a Disability Badge!!!!!!
That's life I guess.
Do keep trying now you can also get help with appeals etc on the Behcets.org.co.uk. Check it out.
Hugs and Smiles
I strongly recommend you have a look here: behcets.org.uk/benefits-inf...
Hi there...haven't been on for a while as my health hasn't been up to it.
All ESA benefit claims now have to go through a Reconsideration process before going appeal.
It would be advisable to get advice from either the Citizens Advice bureau or another advisory source like Tiger feet has mentioned.
More info on this Reconsideration Process can be found at :-
The main thing I find is to make sure that you obtain as many medical reports as you can get and send them in by Recorded Delivery.....keeping a copy for yourself and taking it with you just in case things go missing !!!!
I make sure I get a copy of any reports as a matter of course every time I see a consultant/doctor etc.
When I had to apply this time I sent over 150 reports stemming over some years so there was no room for them saying they didn't have enough info......that was enough for them to grant me ESA without attending an examination or reconsideration/appeal.
Hope this helps
Hi there Kedaco,
Sorry to hear this. If you'd like the help of one of the Behcet's Syndrome Support Workers, feel free privately message me your details and I can direct you to the one who works in your area.
Kind regards,