what foods should you eat.: - Behçet's UK

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what foods should you eat.

jumblesale profile image
12 Replies
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jumblesale profile image
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12 Replies

Hello Jumblesale, perhaps you would like to tell us a bit more and give us an idea of what exactly you are interested to know?

I am assuming you mean what should people with Behcet's eat; anything they like! By which I mean there are no all encompassing do's and don'ts. Different foods suit different people. This can be affected by meds, lifestyle, symptoms - all sorts of things.

The best advice anyone can give you is to eat a healthy balanced diet.

Steamboat profile image


I have been given different information from the medical staff. I will email tomorrow as it is late in Australia and I haven't been very well over the last week.

Further email tomorrow.


Hi Felicity, sorry you've not been well. I hope you are feeling a little better now.

I hoped someone else would respond as it's always useful to see what others have been told. My info came from the Dietician I was referred to by Swallow Therapist and Colo.... , forget what he was called now, to do with digestive system anyway! I do have a specific diet myself, but I haven't come across general BD dietary advice other than healthy eating.

It hope Jumblesale will give us some more info, then perhaps we can help more.

I look forward to reading your post as soon as you feel up to it.

Take care xx Tig


Felicity, its nice to hear from you again-- but I'm terribly sorry you haven't been feeling too well lately :( We all need to come together and kick this Besh-t's disease right in the behind.

I haven't come across any specific Behcet's-related diets or dietary info, just the suggestion for healthy and balanced diet as you both mentioned-- but this goes for everyone, really. I guess realistically, it just depends on your own body; even healthy people have certains foods they have to stay away from either due to allergies or intolerances. I'm sure there are some known foods that may trigger inflammation in the body, and then other foods that are known to help decrease or inhibit inflammation-- such as omega-6 fatty acids in whole grains vs. omega-3 fatty acids-- we tend to get so much omega-6 in our diet, but not enough omega-3, which leads to an inbalance of inflammation because omega-6 triggers inflammation and omega-3 helps settle it. But whether or not these certain foods are strong enough to truly make a difference (either good or bad) in Behcet's disease activity, who knows. There are so many multiple factors, including diet and lifestyle, that play a role in the development or trigger of autoimmune diseases, but of course the genetic predisposition has to be there first.

I've heard lots of controversy regarding gluten and wheat-free diets-- some people believe that supposedly both are bad for health and lead to chronic inflammation and "leaky-gut syndrome"-- But again, I think this is all dependent on a person's own body and its needs-- I personally have tried going gluten-free for nearly 5 months, when my GP told me I was Celiac-- well it turned out that the tests were wrong, and the change in diet didn't make any noticeable difference in my health or energy. My sister (who is healthy with no chronic illness) also tried gluten and wheat-free diet for about 5 months also-- she was also trying to follow something called the "Gerson Diet" which bases its theory on nutrient deficiencies putting our weakened bodies at risk for numerous amounts of health problems, and then over-abundance or nutrient toxicity causing the disease to be active and become aggressive. It involves a complete gluten and wheat-free diet that basically consists of eating fresh pressed veggie and fruit juices and green smoothies all day long. She didn't notice any difference in her energy level or sleep habits, and she also was unable to lose any weight (supposedly this diet is supposed to flush out the gut and liver of all toxicities which will enable drastic weight-loss and a flatter stomach)-- she basically said that both diets are "fake and not worth the time."

Of course this is just my own experience and my sister's experience-- some people may still benefit greatly from either.

One little piece of advice I will give is regarding grapefruit and grapefruit juice-- grapefruit contains special antioxidant chemical which is powerful enough to bind to chemicals from many different drugs and causing a build-up of it in the body, causing toxicity or an increase in bad drug-related side effects. I was especially warned about this from my pharmacist because of the potency of many of the meds used to treat Behcet's, they are potent enough that they would cause severe problems if the drug level increased in the blood stream. My Grandma who has RA and sjogren's recently experienced this problem as she loves eating grapefruit, but she was on high-doses of Methotrexate, and started having problems with it making her very sick. She wouldn't listen to me though regarding the grapefruit, but I'm sure that had something to do with it. Also, taking calcium supplements or drinking a glass of milk at the same time you take any meds can cause the med to not work-- a protein the calcium actually will bind with the chemical properties of any pill, causing it to flush out of the body before it can work properly. I learned about this in a nutrition course I took when I was in school taking nursing, and it just stuck with me because of all the meds I've had to take over the last few years. This might not be the case for every body or for every drug though.


Here's the website for the "Gerson diet" just in case anyone is interested in reading up on it. I have my own opinion about it, which is kind of negative, so I'll just keep it to myself!


MrsBeau profile image

Hi Jumble,

I think the emphasis should be on what you can *enjoy*, depending on your GI and any mouth/throat ulcers.


behcetshurtsbeyondwords profile image
behcetshurtsbeyondwords in reply to MrsBeau

Exactly! I think this is the best advice :)

Look for anti-inflammatory vs flammatory food info.

I avoid gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, red meat, and try to eat lots of fish and green veggies.

There is tons of info online about this. Look up Dr. Weil's anti-inflammatory pyramid. Then try it and tweak it according to what works for you. Lots of great recipes on Pinterest too. And I own a cook book called "meals that heal inflammation" by Julie Daniluk.

Experiment and see how your body responds. Then don't forget to treat yourself once in a while! :)

Good Luck,


Sunset profile image

In order to live a healthy intestinal flora and capillary blood circulation is very important. Because the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, glucose, etc., the preparation of feeder cells, macrophages arrive and the fight against microbes, such as T-and B-cells to the circulation of defense mechanisms of the cell, including the extent of the treatment process is shortened baglidir.Tabii eat right. Never should not eat cheese because olur.Siyah acidosis and inflammation caused by tea, coffee and cola, drink, dry, and because the bowels of vitamin, mineral and amino acid uptake (absorbesini) önler.Alkol and harms of smoking and certain cancers, blood vessels lubrication, etc., plus the beer is drunk for a long time olmaktadir.Sucuk sexual ikdidarsizlik and even cause infertility, such as salami sausage meat products need to break for 5-6 months (less edible simple, clean website) olmaktadir.Bu because many diseases caused by acidosis kaynagidir.Aksam rather than eat yogurt, fruit or salad or vegetable edible içilebilir.Hayvansal foods soup, potatoes, grains (white rice), legumes and pasta, especially the desserts are eaten dinner olur.Ne fully digested and cause problems over time until the white rice, potatoes, pasta, sweet foods and drinks, not so fat olusturur.Çünkü starch into glucose (sugar) is converted in the body turns into sugar, fat and antibiotics depolanir.Seker replicates the intestinal fungus, fungi, while the count of any disease tetikler.Tatli Akila baklava, chocolate, ice cream, etc. means, melons and sweet grapes and mushrooms in them triggers, because of the excessive sugar content.

I'm still keen to see what Felicity says, but so far, as you can see Jumblesale, there are many options, ideas and suggestions open to you, Unless you have been given specific advice by a medic, it's really up to you what kind of diet you follow.

Steamboat profile image

Hi Everyone,

I think I was a bit out of my tree last night and typed before I thought. My kids do the typing for me as I can't see enought to type and everyone was tired last night.

When I first became unwell I was given a sheet of dietary suggestion from both the immunology ans rheumatology nurse specialists. I mainly listed foods to avoid ( we have moved and it is somewhere) so I will list what I can think of.

It is mostly avoiding uncooked food with Japanese topping the list.

Food at food bars that has been prepared early and then left to sit.

Salad bars where people can cough over the food.

Rice that has been left in your own fridge for a couple of days.

This is all I can remember but will look for the list. I did send the sheet to Lesley so if she can add any foods.

Oh forgot about about the chopping board thing. You need to have separate boards for cutting meat,bread,salad and rince lettucs very well for rat worm disease.

It isn't a diet thing but it is to stop you picking up germs. The other problem is that people on prednisolone try to louse weight and you need to be careful that you are loosing fat not protein. So often the dietian will put you on a high protein diet while you are in hospital.

I am beginning to ramble so will look for the sheet.

You can also see I am having a lot of cognitive problems -sorry


Don't apologise. Rest up and get well. :-) xx

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