Could anyone possibly enlighten me to what this is please? I've had it for a couple of months and thought it would just go but it hasn't. It isn't sore at all, doesn't sting or anything. Getting quite worried. i'm 18 years old.
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Could anyone possibly enlighten me to what this is please? I've had it for a couple of months and thought it would just go but it hasn't. It isn't sore at all, doesn't sting or anything. Getting quite worried. i'm 18 years old.
From the look of it, it's a skin complaint, such as psoriasis or eczema. Skin problems occur wherever you have some - i.e. everywhere. Could it be be an STI? Maybe, but investigate the obvious skin complaint before assuming anything. Go see your GP, or even a sex health clinic (because of where it is). If you are concerned it's an STI then you should get checked out for this, but don't neglect to investigate the obvious. You need a medical assessment.
Thanks RankAmateur. I've never have sexual intercourse nor any sexual activity before. Would it still be a possibility i could still have an STI or would the chances of psoriasis or eczema be increased?
Hi hayesjack. From what you say it does sound like a skin complaint. It's going to need a medical diagnosis for anything definite. The irritation could be down to sweat, soap, allergy, infection... I'd keep the area clean and dry and go and ask your GP, or, because of where it is, you could ask the GUM clinic (they're *very* good at diagnosing things that *aren't* STIs!)...
is it dry skin?? the picture isn't very clear, tbh it looks like dry skin to me, but i am no health professional
Looks a bit like eczema or psoriasis or are you a "scratcher", it's a bit blurry but show it to your doctor, a steriod cream should sort it out. Unlikely to be an STI but always good to get checked.