Hello, I was sexually and physically assulted 4 yrs ... - BASHH


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Hello, I was sexually and physically assulted 4 yrs ago & was then diagnosed with genital herpes. I developed a horrible case of PTSD..

Miss27 profile image
9 Replies

as a result of the attack, but I have never had another herpes outbreak...Is this right? Was I diagnosed properly? Can you have only one outbreak? I thought stress was the biggest factor in getting outbreaks, and going through PTSD, I couldn't have been more stressed and depressed, I lost a lot of weight and my body turned very acidic. I developed chronic stomach aches and very sever acne due to the acid levels rising, but this has now been fixed, thankfully. Shouldn't this have brought on more outbreaks? I am so embarrassed by this, and obviously it is affecting my social life and I have no sexual life as another result...Please help, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :)

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9 Replies
carryon profile image

Hsv, herpes, of either type, 1 or 2, can lie dormant in your body for years. Some people only ever get one breakout. Which type were you diagnosed with? As to a social/sex life then it is up to you if you disclose your hsv status. You would be surprised as to how common it is and many don't know they have. Remember hsv is not included in standard std testing in the UK. If you are genital of either type then using suppressive antivirals and practicing safe sex methods can reduce to risk of transfer to around 1%. How many people do you know get cold sores ( oral hsv)? If you are genital then you have coldsores "downstairs", its only social uneducated ystigma that makes ' herpes' as scary word. It isn't .it a common virus that for the majority of people is a skin irritation that rarely causes them a problem . Blood tests are available to confirm yourstatus but they need to be type specific, ie show individual results for type one and type two.

xturner profile image

Yeah that's normal some people only ever have one outbreak. Different things will bring it out in different people. The first and only time I had an outbreak I was at my least stressed and depressed in years although I'd definitely had it for a long time! Don't worry about it, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. 7 out of 10 people have it and don't even realise, it's more common than diabetes and asthma... It's no different to having a cold sore except obviously the location. It's about as useful to anything as thrush, ie just a bit annoying. Don't let it worry you.

Miss27 profile image

The doctor never told me which type it was, only that I had it. Maybe I should go back and try to get some more tests done to see what it type it is. Its so hard to tell someone that you have this, so I just aviod the whole sex thing completely, which is also doing my head in! I don't think I could be with someone without disclosing it, I just would feel so awful potentially passing it onto someone who hasn't got a clue they are at risk. Thank you so much for your advice! I will try to not let it worry me too much, but as you said, there is such a big stigma about it, its really quite hard to believe I will find someone who accepts this, unless they already have it themselves. Thank you again! :)

agg602 profile image

I got diagnosed just over a year ago and I was so ashamed and worried. I've still never had another breakout since though and this suprised me. I was expecting to get them very

often! I didn't know people can have their first breakout and it not happen again for years! I met my boyfriend in April this year and we have been in a relationship for six months now. I was really worried about telling him as we didn't have sex for the first two months of us dating. When I eventually told him he was fine with it. I was expecting him to run a mile but he didn't. When you find find someone you want to be with I'm sure they'll understand.

xturner profile image

Telling people is hard but if they are decent they will understand. Visit herpes.org.uk, this site helped me out so much when I found out and completely put my mind at rest.

You can only pass it on to someone if the virus is present on the skin. So in the week before an outbreak, during the outbreak and the week after. If you've only had one outbreak so far chances are you won't have them a lot - the severity decreases with time and the first outbreak is usually the worst.

Just make sure you know the facts so that you can put people's mind at rest, the site I mentioned above is extremely helpful for this.

I can't stress how much herpes is not a big deal, like I said before no one would bat an eyelid if you had a cold sore on your lip, so why should they care if you have one elsewhere?

Miss27 profile image

Thanks guys! It's really stumped me in relationships, I just don't even go out because I am so ashamed of it, when I know I shouldn't be, as I had no control over how I got it. You have helped me immensly! I am grateful that there are people on here that I can talk to about it! I have never ever told anyone. This site was the first time. I don't even like admitting it to myself, but I think I will start to venture out a bit more :)

xturner profile image

I forgot i even had it until I saw this post to be honest haha.

Check that website!!! It's amazing for putting your mind at rest.

Miss27 profile image
Miss27 in reply to xturner

Lol! I definitely will check out that website! Thanks heaps :)

xturner profile image

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