Hi lovely ladies,
Having a bit of a wobble this evening, and i’m just wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing your stories.
I’m 28 with a 3 year history of unexplained infertility. I have polycystic ovaries, but not the syndrome. My AMH is therefore high but all my other hormonal tests were normal.
I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant from my second round of IVF. First was a big fat fail with 8 eggs collected after stimming for 11 days, only 3 fertilised, had 1 put back on day 2 that was unsuccessful. Nothing to freeze. This time was much more success with 19 eggs, 12 mature, 9 fertilising and ending up with 6 top quality blasts, one of which is now the wriggly baby growing inside of me!
I just cant shake this feeling that theres a reason i havent gotten pregnant, that reason we still dont know. But im convinced its because there’s something wrong with genetics and my baby is going to be born with a syndrome. Sounds super dramatic i know 😔
I was just wondering if any of you ladies had IVF for unexplained infertility and had healthy babies as a result? Im so used to my body letting me down, its hard to trust it xx