Any mums over 40 and pregnant or had a second... - Baby and Us

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Any mums over 40 and pregnant or had a second baby successfully?

6 Replies

Im having a bit of a wobble. We did 4 failed IVF, then fell pregnant naturally 2 times, both ending really early before 6 weeks.

Ill be 43 in October and...Im 6+1

My scan isn't till the 19th when I'll be 8+1

Checked hcg 3 times and doubled well....but Im having a wobble, aside from tired and bloated , I. not nauseated yet. With my 1st I got sick at 6+5

Im reading Google..... evil evil evil

Just needing support and positive thoughts.

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6 Replies
MissSaoPaulo profile image

Step away from the Google!!

I can understand you're anxious, how could you not be? Sending you a huge load of positivity, hope everything is fine when your scan finally comes round and hope these 2 weeks don't drag too much!! xxx

in reply to MissSaoPaulo

I know, evil google🙄I really wanted ther scan at 7 weeks but only had the option at 6 or 8 so decided 8 was definitive. Oooohhhhhh. Thank you❤❤❤❤

Rella22 profile image

Stay away from Google! Plus symtpms tend to increase by 7-10 weeks so don't be worried. Enjoy every minute of if and congratulations!!

in reply to Rella22

Thank you, Im trying to relax but it's so hard. I worried all through my last rainbow pregnancy and promised if I was lucky enough to be blessed a second time, Id try to relax....

fridayfever profile image

Yes 6 rounds of IVF, 1st pregnancy and currently 32 weeks pregnant at 41 years old nearly 42.

Its easy to say as I've had it said to me countless times but try to enjoy your pregnancy.

I spent the first 20 0dd weeks petrified something was going to happen and only now really starting to spread my news outside immediate family.

Take each scan, midwife appointment as a positive step forward to the end result.

Good luck xx

in reply to fridayfever

thank you, Im trying🙄

Congratulations on your rainbow, not long now till you get the magic moment of your first cuddle.

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