as a autistic person, neurotypicals are the superiors and us neurodivergent are the inferiors.
More Power To The Neurotypicals !!!!!
as a autistic person, neurotypicals are the superiors and us neurodivergent are the inferiors.
More Power To The Neurotypicals !!!!!
"More Power"; idiom: used to say that one approves of what someone is doing and hopes it will be successful.
As an Autistic person my outlook is fourfold:
1) I believe that here, within this Autism Support Community, we, the equal peoples: constitute the "Society", (and I am appreciative of the restfulness and supportiveness often to be found here - equally, when problem-solving life's challenging topics, also in celebrating when someone of us has found something interesting, or perhaps as someone has found a way to prevail when faced with a frustrating obstacle (as a type of mini-break from constantly navigating the wider World by oneself),
2) I neither approve of, nor endorse, the concept that any people are superior to other ones (plus I do not hope those people who believe they are superior to other ones - will find that strategy to be successful),
3) I am interested in how Autistic people, plus those non-Autistic people with the best interests of Autistic people in mind, may interact and support each other in understanding what it means to be an Autistic person, to best share their lives with Autistic people and how we might all learn about those strategies which may help to improve the lives of Autistic people and the experience of all those other people in their environments,
4) No two people are direct identical clones of each other, Autistic or otherwise, so we had all better work towards meeting each other in the middle ground: of striving to educate, accommodate and support each other - to the best of our abilities.
I totally agree with all that you've written.It would be a very down would spiral, to think of splitting people into one or two categories. When we are All individuals, all think differently, all see things differently, all either handle our emotions or disregulate. We came into this World, as Humans, I know we will leave as Humans. Let's teach the knowledge we have & search for knowledge we don't have. As people we seek friendships, I choose to find the kind, considerate, mindfulness & empathetic one's. World can be what & where we want it to be. Choices, choose well for you.