speaking in front of large groups - Autism Support

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speaking in front of large groups

Redgreenblue profile image
11 Replies

I have been asked to provide an update in a meeting at work in front of a large group of people. I have been told it will be good for me to do it, but I don't want to. Its making me very anxious and short tempered about doing it. I like this job but I don't like the social aspect of it of talking in groups....

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Redgreenblue profile image
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11 Replies
sjof profile image

Hi Redgreenblue,

This is something I have dealt with in my profession of librarianship and teaching. Being Autistic I have struggled with public speaking due to both my anxiety and my fear of saying the wrong or inappropriate thing in front of a large group of people. I can't say that it has gotten any easier for me but I have developed a few tools to help me when I must do public speaking and can't get out of it.

First I make sure that I am very comfortable with the subject I am speaking on - that I know all I can about it. As autistics this is usually the easy part.

Then I develop a bulleted list of the points I am going to make. I arrange and rearrange the order so that everything flows and my point is made from opening statement to pulling it all together at the end. I print this list out in a large format so that I can either read it or refer to it during my talk.

Most of all I follow the list to the "T". I do not go off script, I do not ad lib. If I am answering questions I focus on answering with facts, not my ideas on a topic, which can lead me to say something that can be interpreted in a way I did not intend.

Finally - from my point of view and experience, do not be afraid of reading directly from your "script". If that's what it takes, that's an option you can choose.

I wish you luck. Let us know how it goes - we are here for you - cheering you on.

Tronsformer profile image

I feel and can realate to your anxiety. The good news about the meeting is its likely no one wants to be there so they’ll probably want everything over and done with and won’t scrutinise you but rather the information you’ll be conveying.

In my profession presentations are very common and thise that are very good often soeak about nerves and anxiety before hand (many actors, atheletes say this too).

A key takeway is they simply focus on the task at hand and ensure they know their task and goal inside out.

If time allows, prepare as much as you can until you feel assured in what you want to say. Also be confident in the subject matter or points your are talking about. If not take the time to do so.

Know what to expect, i.e if you are presenting information and nothing more then think about how long you should take and the level of detail required versus the quality of information attendees will be expecting. ( a patient speaking to a doctor would like things to be understandable and clear, a doctor speaking to a doctor might use more shorthand and terms specific to their expertise which would confuse a patient). But if you will be asked questions on the information you present, be confident in your knowledge of the subject matter and anticipate and invite questions.

Personally I’ve done hundereds of presentations and I can take them in my stride as I know what to expect and the best thing is when I’m presenting I’m in control in that moment. Yet the anxiety or way I work myself up has never gone away or gotten better, I’ve just gotten better tolerance for it and know that it is the way My mind works and nothing more and if I had my I would never do them but I’m glad I did

You’ll be great and I’m sure you’ve been chosen for a reason, however, if it is too much you can respectfully refuse, but my advice would be to give it a go.

Redgreenblue profile image

good advice! This has helped thank you both. The meeting is happening tomorrow so I shall let you know how I do.

Bee-bop profile image

Hi Rddgreenblue,

Hope the meeting goes well tomorrow and maybe have a reward for yourself for afterwards. My daughter cannot do this kind of thing and although at uni and expected to do presentations, as part of her reasonable adjustments, just did one in front of the tutor and an observer instead of the class. Do you have reasonable adjustments in place at work ?

Redgreenblue profile image
Redgreenblue in reply to Bee-bop

I am waiting to discuss adjustments with my manger, that's happening next week, occupational health sent through a report and attachment with the AGCAS neurodiversity reasonable adjustments in the workplace. Its been pushed back couple times! I did not like that.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bop in reply to Redgreenblue

Can't believe it's been pushed back a couple of times. Hopefully it will be dealt with promptly after your meeting.

Tasha99 profile image

This is my absolute nightmare. I can’t do them at all. I’d probably refuse. Good luck if you do it though 👍🏽

Redgreenblue profile image

I did it, I am still shaking but I did it. I had notes written down and I had my fidget cube with me and I did it. I feel relieved and happy. I was getting very anxious before the meeting and I made sure I sat behind someone, next to a wall so I was only needing to concentrate to one side of the room when it came to talking out loud to everyone. I did not have to stand up or go to the front of the room, I was able to sit where I was.... now I need to go for a break

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bop in reply to Redgreenblue

That's brilliant Redgreenblue ! Well done on your achievement and managing your anxiety on the day.

OsteoOne profile image

So happy for you!!! Way to go!!!I've had a lot of trouble with these in the past myself. Congratulations!

Redgreenblue profile image

Hopefully this means if there is a next time I will find it easier!

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