I am a female adult 45 years old and am considering approaching my GP for a diagnosis of autism, but I need some advice because Im just not sure whether I'm autistic or there is something else going on (just weird perhaps).
A few years ago I was watching a documentary on TV about people with autism and it was focussing on adults with autism. They were talking about a particular lady and when her experiences of growing up and her difficulties in adulthood were described I just remember thinking "That's me!".
I didn't say anything to anyone at first but a while later I just blurted out to my husband that I thought I was autistic. He didn't say anything but just looked at me as if I was mad, and it wasnt mentioned again.
In the last few years, although I work, I have found myself very socially isolated, as though I am viewing the lives of others through a window and am not allowed to join in. I have difficulty socially especially trying to keep a conversation going ( I can keep it going for a while before running out of ideas and drying up), and am very wary of meeting new people as I am aware that people seem wary of me, as though they dont want to approach me. i find it very difficult speaking to strangers outside of the work environment, although I'm ok at work.
I was called 'weird' when I was younger on more than one occasion, and was subject to some treatment which i can now identify as bullying although it wasn't considered as such then.
I'm just wondering if there's any advice out there before I go to see my doctor and laughed out of her office.