Help, advice needed.: I am a female adult 4... - Autism Support

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Help, advice needed.

Dire1969 profile image
7 Replies

I am a female adult 45 years old and am considering approaching my GP for a diagnosis of autism, but I need some advice because Im just not sure whether I'm autistic or there is something else going on (just weird perhaps).

A few years ago I was watching a documentary on TV about people with autism and it was focussing on adults with autism. They were talking about a particular lady and when her experiences of growing up and her difficulties in adulthood were described I just remember thinking "That's me!".

I didn't say anything to anyone at first but a while later I just blurted out to my husband that I thought I was autistic. He didn't say anything but just looked at me as if I was mad, and it wasnt mentioned again.

In the last few years, although I work, I have found myself very socially isolated, as though I am viewing the lives of others through a window and am not allowed to join in. I have difficulty socially especially trying to keep a conversation going ( I can keep it going for a while before running out of ideas and drying up), and am very wary of meeting new people as I am aware that people seem wary of me, as though they dont want to approach me. i find it very difficult speaking to strangers outside of the work environment, although I'm ok at work.

I was called 'weird' when I was younger on more than one occasion, and was subject to some treatment which i can now identify as bullying although it wasn't considered as such then.

I'm just wondering if there's any advice out there before I go to see my doctor and laughed out of her office.

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Dire1969 profile image
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7 Replies
serfer2061 profile image

The first question you need to ask is what will a diagnosis give you. As an Adiult diagnosis is very difficult. I personally read about my aspergers after informal diagnosis with a therapist. There are good books by people like us who found out when they were in their 40's and you realise that you are different. A term you will hear a lot is passing.

Be different it is ok.

godmother2001 profile image

you sound like me...... not diagnosied but you know you are different ....Get onto an autism FB site Get advice and also do the self test on google..,,L made a mistake got a Drs medicare referal for panic disorder to see a psycologist found out she was not a specalist in Autism / aspergers l recon u r probable an ASPIE/Aspergers like me you speak your mind get into trouble or are too quiet cannot look people in the eye hard to show effection ... try to avoid social contact.... it all varies on a scale but you know your brain thinks different to others ... ring Autism Aspergers Association to see who your Dr can refer you to But Its not Free a Diagnosis in Australia in Vic l got told l would have to find about $600 .. well l thought .. l know what l am did my self test and treat myself .. tell friends to help u get support from workers u work with or other mums its hard

corriefan profile image

I am currently in the progress of trying to get my 21 year old son diagnosed. We haven't found the NHS/GP very helpful so I am getting it done privately through a charity. Your GP is certainly a good place to start but in my experience they do not always have a lot of experience with autisum/aspergers so if you don't get on there don't give up. One GP told us there is no point in getting a diagnosis, but how can you get help without knowing what the problem is. There is a lot of info on the web, good luck.

only1Salome profile image

Dear Dire1969,

I have just read your post and want to encourage you in your quest. I married a lovely man quite late in life (we were both in our 40's), and after about 5 years of what I thoguht was bizarre and bewildering behaviours from him, I persuaded him to have an assessment done. It was quite a long drawn-out experience, and after many months of interviews with him, then both of us, then his mother, it was decided that he has High Functioning Autism. It helped me to understand his behaviour, and also do what I can to help him in so many ways.

We were left with a list of support groups and were told there is no assistance for people on the spectrum at all. We were literally told to get on with it.

Was it worth it? Yes, I would say. We are at present seeing a GAPS practitioner who is steering us in the right direction concerning fermented foods and detoxifying our environment as all this has a negative effect on my husband's well-being.

I would certainly recommend finding out whether you are on the spectrum. It gives you a starting point to work from.

All the best,


1Hope profile image
1Hope in reply to only1Salome

Only 1. Yes I have similar story. Married aecond time me at 50 he at 71. Never had relationship before where had to face my Aspie traits. It all came out in open last year because of outside problems I thought I was at the end of myself and we were going to break up. It's a big challenge for him to understand but he loves me which makes a lot of good happen.

CBee profile image

Dear Dire,

My daughter diagnosed herself with Aspergers, but this has not yet been backed up by the medical profession. They have only diagnosed social phobia, which sounds to have some of your problems relating to others. We still don't know who is right, but you should go by your own instincts. All the best.

There is help out there but quite hard to find


1Hope profile image

Social phobia is a big one. Accepting my own traits is a big step. BTW I haven't had diagnosis, both my sons have, I've just read up so much about it, especially Lorna Wings "the autistic spectrum" which is simply brilliant and easy to follow

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