Still being new to this, I find when I read my eyes "skip" words is this a prob related to Ataxia please
reading: Still being new to this, I find when I... - Ataxia UK

Hello Silver 52
I have the same problems with my eyes as you. It's a bummer!!!!!!
I also have difficulty focusing, moving my head from side to side makes me dizzy. I just have to wait until my eyes focus.
Take care
Hi Siver 52 there are so many problems which we don't know whether they are related to Ataxia---and even the consultants don't know all the answers. Thats why his web is so helpful I too have sight problems mainly slight delay in focusing when I look sideways (Is this what you mean?) I do eye exercises which may or may not help Who knows
Take care Tedjohnson
Many people with Ataxia have some involuntary movement of their eyes (Nystagmus). I have it too but only very slightly, maybe this is the reason that I have difficulty in keeping track of the lines. I don’t skip words though. Reading with a kindle (enlarge letters) and a lot of light on the page helps me so maybe it helps you too with your problem
Good Morning Siver 52! (or is it Silver?)
I do this as well. But, I also 'speed-read', skim and pick out what I want or what is
interesting. I've got a kindle, at first I didn't think it would be as appealing as holding
a book but I do like it. My concentration varies, so I download a lot of samples, it's
surprising how many samples you read that turn out to be very disappointing!
When my eye problems first started (late 1990s), I was doing college courses (late
starter). Searching in the library became very frustrating, looking along the shelves
with my head at an angle, made focus almost impossible. At the time I didn't know
why this was becoming an issue, and it hasn't gone away. Despite being seen on
a regular basis at the Eye Department at my local hospital (for Iritis), Nystagmus
wasn't actually identified until 2011. A doctor was excited when she spotted
'bouncing eyes'!
I've always loved to read and I could always be tempted into bookshops. Now I'm
fairly indifferent, I prefer to look on Amazon, although not always for the kindle.
I hope you don't mind but I read your profile (cute dog, I have a cat)! I suspect I
might have your condition, the fog can last for weeks at a time, I've had it for years
and it drives me mad. The problem with most of these conditions is that a lot of
the symptoms overlap making diagnosis difficult but, NEVER GIVE IN!
Thank you all for your answers. Very helpful.
I have had Cerebellar Ataxia for about 6 years now.
My eyes skip words and lines and I often drop the whole book and look at it on the floor.
With a whole lot of grimacing and contortion I manage to pick up the book only to forget where I got to.
I have got a kindle but will probably drop that as well.I think the Ataxia has made my eyes slow to focus;nothing wrong with the sight just the muscles.
Yes, a symptom for some people with ataxia is "nystagmas", where the eyes move back and forth or up and down. Also ability to focus, as well as double vision can be a symptom. I have a difficult time turning my head from side to side, as my eyes are slow to follow. Therefore, no multitasking for me (like walking and looking sideways at the same time)...,ha! ;o)
I am hopeless at reading . My lot spoilt me and enrolled me in . It is great and I can get on and do other stuff while listening to books : )