who's going to the regional conference in june at basingstoke?
who's going to the regional conference? - Ataxia UK
who's going to the regional conference?

Hi Nikki
I will be there. Are you going?

Hi Nikki
I don't know any more than has been written in the most recent edition of the Ataxian. Fabulous article by you by the way!
cheers just wanted to share my experiences x
What article? What magazine? What conference? Neta from Israel
Hi Neta
Ataxia UK produce a quarterly magazine called the Ataxian for Friends of the charity. Nikki wrote an article for that on her experience at the Accredited Ataxia Centre in Oxford. The article was posted on this site a while ago.
Ataxia UK organise and host two conferences per year: an annual conference which is the bigger of the two conferences and attracts people from around the UK (last year there were people from Germany and Canada there!); a regional conference which is smaller and hopes to attract the people that live in the surrounding area. It is the latter that Nikki was referring to.
Hi Nikki
As the National Conference is in Manchester this year and entails a trip up the M6, a road I always hated, it looks like Basingstoke wins. It is still 1½ hours away but an easy drive. Hope to see you there ~ Bob
I live in the US, and attended the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) conference in Detroit, Michigan this past weekend (I live in Michigan and Detroit is only about an hour from my home). My husband attended with me and we had a great time! It was wonderful to meet other people with different types and degrees of ataxia! I was diagnosed with ataxia 10 years ago and had never met anyone face to face with this. I will post some highlights of what I learned when I organize the note my husband took for me. ;o)
Hi Nikki,
I remember meeting you and your lovely dog at Stanstead. We (Brian and I) won't
be going to Basingstoke but look forward to seeing you again at Manchester.
Best wishes
hi wobblybee im not sure if ill be going to manchester as its really far for me and at the moment i dont know if im alowd to fly with pippin - ill look into that as im a lazy traveller so will take the shortest route. yay im remember though i aim to be remembered by one person minimum then im a success. my logic.
I am!! I sent off my cheque weeks ago and booked my train ticket as well. £11 Bournemouth to Basingstoke day return. That's because I booked very early, it would cost me more than that to go to Southampton tomorrow if I wanted to!!!!! Hope to meet you and all the others to learn more. Take care friend.

just to let you all know i will be doing a talk at the conference